Part 11

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It was a few weeks later when it happened. I walked into the great hall with Hermione only to see her, Dolores Umbridge.

I didn't know her well, just that she worked at the ministry and was in charge of interviewing possible death eaters. Also that she wore a lot of pink....well that's all she wore.

"Harry who is that?" Hermione asks me as we are sitting at the table

I looked towards the teachers to see her sitting there comversing with professor Dumbledore, but i also noticed another thing. Where is professor Lupin?

"That's Dolores Umbridge. She is the undersecretary at the ministry" I tell her

"Why would she be here? And where is professor Lupin?" Ron asks me

"I have no idea. But i have a feeling this isn't going to be good. She has been the one who is interrogating possible death eaters, i think she is trying to figure out if any are here at Hogwarts. The last time i talked with her she almost seemed disappointed that Voldemort was dead, Sirius thinks she's a death eater"

"The ministry is trying to find it's way into Hogwarts, that's not good" Hermione says worryingly

"Don't worry. I will talk to him. For now let's not worry till we have to....Now does the lady need to be escorted to class?" I ask holding my hand out to her

"That would be lovely" She says giggling

We walked together out of the great and make our way to DADA. As we are walking something crosses my mind.

"Hermione. How long have we been dating? About a year right?" I asked her

"Harry your right. We have been dating nearly one year. Well it will be a year as of 2 weeks from now" She says happily

"One year. Where has the time gone"

"Been the best year of my life you know. I still remember our first kiss. I was leaving the champions tent and you asked me to kiss you, and i thought you were crazy" She says laughing, i still remembered that day so clearly

"I was crazy. I was crazy for you. I didn't know if i would survive the dragon, so i wanted at least one kiss from the girl i loved"

"I never knew that" she whispers as she stops walking

"I really love you Hermione" I tell her leaning down to kiss her

What soon started out as a small yet passionate kiss turns into Hermione snogging me passionately against the wall. Luckily Hermione and i walked to class early, so there wasn't anyone in the hallway.

"Hermione as much as i want to continue. Breakfast will end any minute and i would prefer not getting caught" I tell her pushing her slightly away from me

"When did you become the sensible one?" She asks teasingly

"Since defeating at the dark lord of course. I promise we will contiue this later, now let's go" I grabbed her hand and we finished walking to class

We walked in and took our seats, eventually being joined by the rest of our class. As everyone is getting settled, i see Umbridge walk through the door.

"Well if it isn't Mr.Potter. It has been some time since we last talked. I remember you bragging to the ministry that you defeated the dark lord. I'm not surprised that your in the front, now don't be expecting special treatment due to your....circumstances" She says in a high pitched voice, i really hated overly cheery people

"Where is professor Lupin? And why are you here anyways. I doubt you are even qualified to teach this class since you don't even think wizards should use wands to defend themselves. Hagrid would be a better teacher than you" I tell her

The class then start laughing quietly behind me, i could hear Hermione laughing as well.

"Now Mr. Potter I'm very well qualified to teach these students dark arts....even you. The dark lord dying was pretty much just luck for you wasn't it"

"Actually no. I wanted to kill him and I think i was educated enough to do so....without the ministries help might I remind you" Her smile instantly leaves her face

"How about I send you down to professor Dumbledore since you choose to be so disrespectful to me. He will most definitely be giving you detention" She says spitfully

"I need to talk with him about teacher assignments anyways. And professor Dumbledore won't be giving me know cause i defeated the dark lord, as you said before" I quickly stood up and grabbed my stuff before heading out of the classroom.

"Now wands away! And please grab your books" I overheard Umbridge say to the class

I made my way to professor Dumbledore's office, i know he won't punish me for what i said. I have a feeling the choice of substitution wasn't his idea. The ministry is just trying to investigate students and teachers who could probably be death eaters.

"Sir sorry to interrupt, but Umbridge is the worst teacher to be teaching. She won't even let us use our wands" I tell him approaching his desk

"Now Harry, she is only here for a few days. I sent Remus on a task for me. The ministry sent her here"

"I don't trust her. I believe she is just another dark lord sympathizer who only wants to tamper with the minds of students at this school. She also insists that i just throw my fame everywhere i go"

"Harry there is nothing i can do about it. The ministry is just trying to investigate a few teachers and students who could potentially be death eaters, once this is all over she will be out of the i expect she wanted me to give you detention" He says smiling slightly

"Yes. I might have been disrespectful to her when she said all i do is brag about defeating the dark lord"

"Well 5 points from Gryffindor and if she asks I took away 20" professor Dumbledore says before dismissing me from his office

Rather than head back to class i went straight to the quidditch pitch to practice on my broom. As soon as i got in the air i could feel my worries leaving.

"Harry James!" I heard someone call my name

I looked down only to see Ron, Ginny, and Hermione waiting for me.

"Hello. How was class?" I ask them as i brought myself down to the ground

"It was awful. Not once were we allowed to use our wands, all she had us do was read about defensive spell rather than practice" Ginny says angrily

"I love reading more than anyone, but that class was terrible"

"I have already talked to the headmaster. He said she will only be here until Professor Lupin gets back from his task"

"Well that's good. Now are you coming to potions, professor Snape will have our heads if were late" Hermione says taking my hand

"Of course. Ginny i never asked, how are you taking the same potions class as us? Your a fourth year" Ron asks his sister

"I have done well enough in potions last year that i was able to move up to an advanced potions class. I haven't even told mum yet"

"That's wonderful Ginny" I tell her

I quickly put my broom away as we all went to another grueling day of potions. I have observed that professor Snape isn't as awful as he was in previous years to the gryffindors. I'm actually doing amazing in his class, much to my surprise.

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