Part 29

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"What about this one? It's more princess than the others?" I asked Ginny and Parvati

We came to hogsmeade in order to look for some dresses. I have been trying on dresses for the last 2 hours, and i still haven't found the right one. But this dress was perfect. It was not too puffy and had lace cuffs with a tight corset. I loved it

"Well it's fitting for the gryffindor princess" Ginny says teasingly

With all the wedding stuff going on, the prophet has been bugging me. They started calling me the gryffindor princess because i refused to do an interview with them, and they took that as snobbish. I did like the nickname though, especially when they talked about Harry and i being the new royal couple. People write the craziest things.

"Anyway, what do think? I love the dress honestly, but i would appreciate your opinions" I asked them once again

"You look beautiful. Harry won't be able to keep his eyes off you. He going have to keep his hands to himself till the ceremony is over" Parvati jokes

I knew this was the dress i wanted. So
i went in the back room and changed back into my clothes. I walked out with the dress only to hear the girls talking about the honeymoon.

"So France? I've heard it was beautiful there. I have only seen pictures" Parvati asks

"Yes. I went this summer and it was so beautiful. It is very romantic. I know he will love it"

"Sure if you two make it out of the bedroom" Ginny says making my cheeks heat up

My roommates knew about my intimacies with Harry. I never went into detail, but they always teased me when i came back to my room in the morning.

"Let me just pay for the dress and we will continue talking about this later. Harry and Ron are at honeydukes and i promised to meet them"

"I thought you were still upset at Ron? It has only been 2 weeks since they became friends again" Paravti questions me as i grabbed my money out of my bag

"I am....but I'm trying for Harry. Besides he apologized again and i want Harry to be happy, and if that means not judging his relationship with Ron, then i will do it" I tell them as i quickly paid for the dress

Ginny and Parvati were already going back to Hogwarts so i gave them my dress to put away. I said my goodbyes and made my way over to honeydukes. When i walked inside, i saw Harry stuck in a conversation with the twins.

"Of course, they are already starting to build the shop in diagon alley. It will have everything" I overheard George tell him

"So you're already building. I hope it gets done by the summer, i would love to visit before we leave on our honeymoon" I tell them as i moved my arm around Harry

"Don't worry your highness, her royal princess shall get anything she desires. We will send a letter immediately" Fred jokes as both him and George started bowing

I pulled Harry's arm and we walked out of the store. I didn't bother looking for Ron since he was probably enjoying his candy.

"So you seem happy? Are you happy?" I asked as we walked hand in hand through hogsmeade

"I'm more than happy. I'm overjoyed. My life is going wonderful and it's all thanks to you" He gave me a quick kiss and we continued walked happliy

Later that afternoon...

Harry's pov

"Harry put me down!" I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder

"Harry my skirt! Please stop!" Hermione yells holding her skirt down behind her

I could tell she was trying to be serious but i could hear the slight giggle. I threw her on the couch and climbed on top of her and instantly pressed my lips to hers. She was giggling as i placed kisses all over her face. I was in a very good mood, so why not share that happiness with the love of my life?

"What is with you today?" She asks

"I'm just in love and happy. Why shouldn't I be happy?" I give her one more quick kiss on the nose and pull her off the couch

"Come on! dance with me"

I started to spin her around all around the room. Similar to the ball, i dipped her and pulled her back up to me.

"Practicing for the wedding i assume" I heard professor Mcgonagall ask, i turned around to see her enter the common room

"No...Harry is just being playful"

"I won't keep you long. I came here to inform you both that your godfather has a meeting at the ministry tomorrow. He is going to plea his case, along with Remus and Albus. I just wanted to let you know. I can bring you both to the ministry so you can wait for the results. I do have it on good authority that he will be released" she says happily

"Really? That's wonderful! Oh Harry!" Hermione wrapped her arms around my neck

I was shocked. Could i actually have my godfather come back?

The next day....

"Everything will work out Harry. You don't need to be worried" Hermione says grabbing my hand

I couldn't stop pacing. We were still waiting for them to get out of their meeting. They have been talking for an hour and I'm worried something happened. What if he has to go back to Azkaban?

"Mr. Potter? Please, a word" A guard asks taking my attention away

I grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her in the room with me. She held on to my hand tightly as we saw Sirius sitting in the office nervously. Professor Dumbledore and Remus gave me a small smile as approached with Hermione.

"We only asked for Mr.Potter. All other non relatives should wait outside" The minister said politely gesturing to Hermione

"Hermione is my fiancé. Anything you have to ask me, concerns her as well" I wanted her in the room with me, and i wasn't taking no for an answer

He didn't respond as i took a seat next to Sirius. Hermione stood behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Now, we have been talking with your godfather and we asked him to explain his relationship with your parents. Of course you know the story of what happened between him and Mr.Pettigrew. I've always had a soft spot for you Harry, especially with you defeating the dark lord. Although he's done some questionable things, we gave him an honesty potion. He seems to be telling to truth. I'm not sure why nobody thought to give him a potion before. Now why should I leave you in this man's care? You have been doing so well at the weasleys" Mr. Fudge asks me

"I trust him with my life and he is one of the only men who understands me and can talk to me about my parents. He has been locked up for years and all he wants is freedom, which you should grant him. That potion of yours proved he was innocent, meaning he has done nothing wrong. You said it yourself, i defeated the dark lord. You owe me. So you need to release so he can live his life" I said bluntly, i wasn't even trying to be polite about it

I honestly had enough of the ministry and i didn't need them controlling my life anymore.

"Thank you Mr.Potter. That will be all, you may wait outside" He says

I looked next to me to see the slight smirk across Sirius's face. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. I simply grabbed Hermione's hand and we walked out of the room.

"Harry that was so amazing"

We both sat outside the room waiting patiently. I could feel Hermione heart beating fast as they stayed in the room talking for another 10 minutes. I just wanted to distract myself from what was going on in that room. What i didn't expect was Hermione's lips on mine.

"If your going to be living at my house, i don't want to catch you two again"

I immediately let go of Hermione and hugged my godfather tighty. He was finally free.


Posted a link on my profile. If your in a harmony mood, please go check it out.

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