Part 26

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After we got back to school, we went our separate ways to unpack. Dinner was nearing so we were meeting back in the common room afterwards. Ron kept glancing over while i put my things away. I felt like he wanted to talk to me, but didn't have the courage.

"Congratulations Harry. I always knew you two would get married" Neville says happily, i turned around once i recognized who it was

"Thanks Neville"

"I'm also sorry about Ron....Dean told me on the train. He said we were in charge of your bachelor party"

"Hell yes we are! This party is going to be awesome!" I heard Seamus yell behind me

Both Dean and Seamus walked in with there bags. All this talk of the wedding made Ron immediately walk out

"Thank you guys....truly. As much as i would love to talk about the wedding, i have to meet Hermione" I tell them before making my way downstairs

When I got down to the common room, i was surprised to see a bunch of girls surrounding Hermione. I heard the eager giggling and screaming. They were all looking at the ring and talking about the wedding.

"Holy Merlin Harry! The ring is so beautiful" Parvati exclaims

Hermione instantly turns around realizing I'm in the room.

"That is my cue to leave. I promise we will talk about the whole ring and proposal later. We need to go to dinner" Hermione says quickly getting off the couch and grabbing my hand

We raced out of the common room towards the great hall. But i stopped Hermione before we could walk in.

"Wait....can we go eat somewhere else? I don't want to get ambushed" I ask her

"Of course. We will ask Dobby to bring food to our room. We haven't been there in so long" She smiles and we instead made our way to the room of requirement

We entered the room and i made a romantic setting appear. Light music played and candles appeared around the room.

"Repeating history are we? I can't help but remember a very similar dinner setting once before" She asks

"Well it worked out great the last time....Dobby!" I call

"What does Harry Potter need from Dobby?" Dobby ask excitedly

I whispered in his ear hoping for Hermione not to hear, i wanted dinner to be a surprise. She looked confused but i knew she would love it. He immediately popped away.

"What did you ask him for?" She asks me taking a seat at the table

"You will just have to wait and see. Now how are you my beautiful fiancé? I couldn't help but notice how overwhelmed you've been" I ask taking my seat across from her

"Stressed but it's well worth it. I can't believe we're getting married. It seems like forever since we were playing the piano. Do you still remember?"

"How could i forget? I still hum that song from time to time. I think that should be our first dance song. No one would understand but we would" I grabbed her hand and laced her fingers with mine

We didn't need words to express how we felt about each other. I rubbed my thumb across her ring. It looked even more magical in the candlelight. We stayed there in silence till the food came.

"Thank you Dobby" I give him a few gold peices before he left, Hermione was very happy about that

I could see how happy she was knowing what i planned for dinner. Mac n cheese, it was always her favorite.

During dinner we avoided talking about the wedding and just talked about ourselves. The wedding always came up so it was nice taking a break. We started talking about classes and Hermione went on and on about Ancient Ruins. It's not really a topic i was interested in, but i loved seeing how happy it made her.

"You know Remus hasn't properly looked me in the eye since our last divination session" I tell her changing the topic

"Oh.....I still can't believe he saw that. He turns red whenever he talks to me. But it's funny when you think about it" She says laughing

"So has Sirius talked to you recently?" Hermione asked once she finished laughing

"Yeah. He wrote a few pages talking about my parents and how they were soulmates. He thinks we are just like them. He also mentioned that Dumbledore has been talking with the minister about dropping his charges" I tell her

"That's wonderful Harry. It will be nice to have Sirius in our lives. And about the soulmates thing.....i think we're soulmates. When your a kid, you think your parents are soulmates....our kids will be right about that" She tells me

Her eyes widened realizing we haven't talked about children yet.

"You want children....right Harry?" She asks hesitating

I placed my fork down and grab her hand once again. I haven't thought of having children, but i guess I've always wanted to have a child with her. Hopefully she would be just like Hermione, smart, beautiful, and stubborn as hell.

"I want children Hermione, and i want your children. I know we are young, but i wanted to wait till after we graduate and become adults" I told her, the biggest smile appears on her face

"Me too. I want us to be adults and have jobs before thinking about a family. But children are definitely in my future"

We sat there in comfortable silence for the rest of dinner. Under the table i could feel Hermione rubbing her foot on my leg, higher and higher her foot went. She just loved teasing me.

"Alright I get it. How about we take a swim in the jacuzzi since you are so insistent on touching me"

In almost an instant a hot jacuzzi appears. Hermione stood up and began stripping off her clothes. She unhooked her bra and tossed it at me, she laughed when it hit me in the face. After pulling her knickers off she stepped in the jacuzzi.

She made a come here motion with the finger and smiled seductively at me. I walked slowly towards her and took my clothes off. I stepped in and placed my lips on hers.

I pressed her against the inside of the tub and climbed between her legs. She moved her legs around my waist and thrusted forward. I felt her hands move in my hair when i moved my hands to her breasts. Her moaning echoed around the empty room as she kept getting louder and louder. I soon moved my kisses to her neck.

"Harry" I heard her whisper

She thrusted herself against me again, i knew she was already coming undone. Without warning i pushed myself inside her. She screamed as i thrusted inside her and she met each one of my movements. The water was going over the sides of the tub as i moved faster.

"'re so beautiful" I whispered to her

It wasn't long before we both came together. Our breathes were rapid as i pulled out of her. I picked her up and placed her on my lap. She leaned her head on my shoulder and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I knew having dinner in here would be better. Now we just have to face everyone at breakfast" I told her

"We're gryffindors. It won't be that hard. At least now girls can finally realize that you are forever taken, and i have the ring to prove it" She lifted her hand out of the water showing me the ring

"Yeah. I am forever taken by you" I give her a kiss on her temple before settling back against the tub

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