Part 10

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About a month into the new year was Hogwarts first hogsmeade trip. Hermione and I decided not to attend and rather spend time together, we haven't spent much time alone lately. Right now we're just laying together in the common room.

"Can you believe Dumbledore is planning another ball?" She asks laying against my chest.

I forgot. Professor Dumbledore is planning a ball next month in celebration of the defeat of voldemort. I was looking forward to it, last year went perfect.

"I'm looking forward to it. Everyone will be jealous that i will have the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts as my date, just like last year" I tell her

She them lifted her head off my chest and presses her lips against mine. Slowly i felt her push me down and climb on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. I then felt her lips move along my jaw and on my neck, i could feel her lightly knicking the skin just below my ear.

"Hermione we shouldn't be doing this here" I told her pushing her off slightly

"Since when do you care about the rules? Besides practically all the gryffindors are at hogsmeade" She said beginning to move her hands up my shirt

"Fine. I can't really say no to you when you running your hands up my shirt" I quickly pulled my shirt off and tossed it behind the couch

"Well at least quidditch is good for something" She says leaning down to kiss me again

I pulled her down and climbed on top of her instead. I pressed my lips to her as i pushed my tongue into her mouth. I can hear moaning as our hips moved together. Without removing our lips she slowly unbuttoned her top and threw somewhere in the room giving me a clear view of her bra.

Instantly i moved my lips to her neck and started moving them down towards her chest. I reached behind her nearly unhooking her bra, but of course we had to get interrupted.

"You know this isn't something a godfather wants to see his godson and future goddaughter doing" I heard Sirius lecture behind me

You have got to be kidding me.

Without turning around i quickly grabbed a blanket from the couch and covered Hermione. I looked down at Hermione who is absolutely embarrassed. Quickly we both sat up still covered with the blanket.

"So this is what you two decided to do instead of going to hogsmeade. When i was your age all i wanted to do was go to hogsmeade and eat candy at honeydukes" Sirius says picking Hermione's shirt off the floor

"What are you doing here?" I asked him trying not to sound too mad

"Just having a quick chat with your headmaster. This is yours i presume" Sirius asks handing Hermione her shirt

"Thank you" She says awkwardly

"Of course. So how about you two sort yourselves out and we can talk?" He suggests

Both Hermione and i instantly went up to my room and put our remaining clothes back on. I could tell she was a little upset if not really mad. We really wanted to spend some time together....alone. After we're finished changing we went back down to the common room to talk with Sirius.

"Now that you two are dressed i wanted to talk with you about what has been going on at the ministry"

"What's the matter?" Hermione asks as we all took a seat on the couch

"The ministry has been searching for any remaining death eaters and they have been sending dementors to houses that were previously known for aquiring death eaters, that includes most of those houses belonging to slytherin students"

"That makes sense. Many of the parents of slytherin students were loyal death eaters, like the malfoys. Draco was here at the beginning of the year, but now he is gone" Hermione tells me

"Many slytherin families have gone into hiding, but not the malfoys. Since i have been keeping a close eye on the ministry i recently found out that Lucius Malfoy was kissed by a dementor when his family was traveling to The States this summer"

"I heard about that. What about Draco?" I ask him

"They have been unable to locate Draco and his mother. But i doubt the ministry plan to continue the search, they send the dementors just after Lucius" he says sadly

"That's terrible"

"What happens now?" I asked him

"They will continue searching. I just came to warn Dumbledore in case a few of his slytherin students get taken out of school. The ministry is also searching for establishments in hogsmeade that could possibly hiding former death eaters" He continues to explain

"Well thank you for telling me. Sorry you had to walk in on Hermione and i having...."

"No need to apologize. Merlin knows how many times i have walked in on James and Lily" He says laughing

"Well what are you going to do now Sirius?" Hermione asks him

"I will continue keeping an eye on the ministry. Recently they have gained a new undersecretary, so i will be keeping an eye on her" He says standing up

"It was great seeing you again pup, you as well Hermione" Sirius says giving us both a quick hug before leaving the common room

"Well what do you want to do now? They won't be back from hogsmeade for another hour or so" She asks me

"How about we go to the room of requirment and practice some dancing. I want to see if you remember anything from last year" I suggest

"That sounds perfect"

I grabbed her hand and we headed straight to the ROR. It has been awhile since we came here last.

We walked in to see the same old room as always. Suddenly the room begins to change around us and a large ballroom appears.

"Still as magical as it was last time" I tell her

" do you remember all of the steps last year?" She asks ne

"Of course. If i remember correctly, neither one of us actually needed help dancing last year" I told her grabbing her hand and pulling her to me

The sound of a violin could be heard as we got into our positions, my hand in hers while the other was on her waist. Similar to last year i began to lead her across the dance floor. Our eyes connected as we focused on the each other rather than the music. Our feet moved perfectly in sync as we waltzed across the ballroom. Soon the music became slower and i felt her lay against my chest.

"I'm glad we got to have this time alone. We haven't had much for a few weeks" I told her

"I know. We have both been so busy with classes and occlumency lessons. We should really start sneaking over here more often"

"Where did my Hermione go? Today you are so willing to break the rules" I teased

"Maybe you have been a bad influence on me" She says teasing back

"I would hope so"

"Come on now. Your dancing is perfect. We can practice again later. Right now i want to finish what we were doing before your cockblock of a godfather came in"

"You heard him, he said godson and future goddaughter. That means he is your godfather now too" I reminded her

She grabbed my collar and pulled me to her lips.

It was over an hour till we went back to the common room. Everyone of course was wondering why we never came to hogsmeade, but it was way better staying with Hermione.

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