Part 21

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The next morning...

Now that Hermione's parents supported us, they had us sleep in different rooms. It was terrible, her father insisted that we don't sleep in the same bed, let alone the same room. I hated waking up without her.

As i was changing for the day, i heard the shower running next door. That was Hermione's room? She must be taking a shower. Maybe i should go check on her, i mean i wouldn't want her getting hurt in the shower or anything.

I quickly walked out of the guest room and quietly walked into Hermione's room. I could see the bathroom door cracked open with the steam coming outside. The faint humming a Hermione's voice could be slightly heard over the running water. I made sure her door was locked before i started stripping out of my clothes, i had a feeling she wouldn't mind if I joined her. I slowly opened the door and walked inside the bathroom, i peeked inside the see Hermione washing her hair, that beautiful hair of hers. I stepped into the shower and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hmmm....Harry if my parents find out your in here they will kick you out and forbid us to see each other" Hermione says calmly as she laid the back of her head on my chest

"I couldn't help it. I heard your shower running and i have been away from you for too long. I couldn't believe we had to sleep in separate rooms"

"I know. But my father was just being protective. He didn't want us to do anything inappropriate. If only he knew" She whispers turning around to face me

"You're so beautiful mione. And your all mine" I ran my fingers lightly on her neck and down in between her breasts

"Harry we can't" She says sadly

"I know. That doesn't mean i can't look at you and tell you how beautiful you are. Every single part of you" I pulled her closer immediately pressing my lips against hers

She started to kiss me back immediately. I grabbed her legs and lifted her up around my waist before pressing her against the shower wall. Her lips parted for second as our lips slowly moved together. It seemed more intense as the hot water ran over us. I ran my hand through her still soapy hair as she started tightening her grip around my neck. I knew what was bound to happen if we continued, but we agreed not to do this while her parents were in the house.

"Hermione we need to stop. I don't want us to get carried away" I was hesitating, but to my better judgment i placed her back on the ground

"I understand. But can we at least shower really quickly? We need to meet my parents down for breakfast soon" Hermione asks me

"Of course. It saves water this way"

"I was just thinking the same thing"


After finishing our shower and changing we both went downstairs and met her parents at the table. I could smell the amazing scent of eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning Harry. Hello Hermione" Emma says happily as she is setting up the table

"Morning mum. Where's dad?" Hermione asks as we sit down at the table

"He needed to go to the office early. But we will both be back before dinner. I thought we could look at a few magazines before i have to leave for work" Emma suggested

"Oh...well. We haven't made any plans for the wedding. We just know we want to get married"

"Yes i suppose. Well let's finish breakfast before it gets cold" Emma says passing out the food and joining us at the table

As we began eating i heard this clicking sound on the window. I looked outside to see Hedwig waiting outside on the porch.

"Hold on" I tell her

I let her in and she flies on my shoulder. I grabbed the letter she has and walk back over to the table.

"Who is it from love?" Hermione asks me

"It's from Ron? Why would he be writing us? He knows we don't want to talk to him"

I felt anger inside my chest, i still couldn't believe he even suggested that Hermione being pregnant would be the only reason i would want to marry her.

"Maybe we should give him a chance. Ron sometimes doesn't think before he speaks" Hermione suggests taking the letter from me


Dear Harry and Hermione,

I wanted to apologize for saying that Hermione was pregnant. I just never really thought you two were all that serious. You guys can come back to the burrow now. Mum still is upset but if you just ignore her, it shouldn't bother you. Ginny is really mad at all of us, i am just assuming it's girl problems. So see you two soon.

From, Ron


"Ron is such a git! How dare he even...he didn't think we were serious. How could suggest that the only reason girls are upset us because we have problems! I thought maybe he was actually trying to be thoughtful, can we send him a howler?" Hermione yells

"This boy doesn't seem like a good friend. His mother said awful things to you two, and this letter isn't making it better. I would suggest you don't reply" Emma says clearing our plates

I couldn't really stomach eating after reading Ron's letter. I know he is my best friend, so i still have hope that he will get over his petty attitude and start acting like my best friend.

"Well I'm sorry you two had to deal with that. I need to leave for work, your father and i will be back for dinner. We can discuss this more then. I love you" Emma says before grabbing her bag and rushing out the door

"Now that she is gone. Can we please discuss how much of an arse Ron Weasley is! That stupid little git. He just expected us to forget everything they said about our marrige. We're just supposed to go back to the burrow and act like nothing happened?" Hermione asks ranting

"Hey calm down alright. Let's forget about Ron for now. How about we watch a few movies? Christmas is in one week, there are many movies on the telly" I suggest grabbing both her hands

"I can do that. I like that we get to be alone during the day and not have to worry about my parents"

She grabs my hand a pulls me to the couch. I put on some random movie hoping just to distract her. She laid her head on my shoulder and i moved my arm around her waist. This was the perfect moment.


Hello everyone! I have big news.....Today is...MY BIRTHDAY!!!
I am finally an adult today. It feels so weird being 18, but at the same time it feels normal. I just wanted to thank you all for the support you have given me all this time. I started this account a little over 2 years ago, and i never thought i would write stories let alone get any votes or followers. So really thank you
P.s Please watch the video, the song is really amazing.

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