Part 31

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"Then i went to potions, and finally i came here. Same as yesterday" I told the unconscious body

A few days ago, a death eater did something to him. Nobody knew why he wasn't waking up. I have been in the hospital wing evey spare moment. All the death eaters were either killed or captured and both Sirius and Remus were alright? But Harry wasn't.

People always came and went checking up on him, i guess it was sweet. Ron and Ginny cane everyday and sat with me for an hour or two.

"How is he today Ms.Granger?" Madame Pomfrey asked me

"Same as yesterday and the day before. I just wish he would wake up. I miss him you know, it hasn't been the same"

"I'm truly sorry. But i did a few tests yesterday and it seems some brain activity is returning. He should wake up soon...if not soon, then we should worry" She says kindly

I decided to leave Harry for awhile and take a walk. My mind was all fazed as i walked through these halls, nothing made sense anymore. It didn't help that everyone was avoiding me and acting as through I'm a piece of glass that will break at the slight mention of him. I made sure no one was watching before i went to the Room of Requirement. This was our special room.


I sat down and began to play. Harry immediately took a seat next to me and started humming my song. This was always my favorite song to play on the piano. He seemed to know the song very well?

"I didn't know you play?" He asked me

"Just a bit. It's called Fur Elise, written by Beethoven. Come on i can show you as well" I offered trying to show him how to play

I could tell he was trying to play, but it wasn't really working out so well. Our hands kept bumping each other's, making my cheeks heat up. I didn't mind the mistakes he was making, i thought it was cute how hard he was trying to learn for me

"I always heard you humming this song sometimes. I just never knew what it was" He explained

"My mother taught me when I was younger" I told playing the final note

We both stood and began to walk towards the door. The room magically went back to it's original state. This was probably the most amazing night I've spent at Hogwarts.


I just stared at the empty room not wanting to change it. It felt so odd being inside here without him. I know he is going to be alright, he is Harry Potter. After thinking back to our first time in the room, i left back to the hospital wing.

When i walked back inside i saw Ginny and Luna sitting besides Harry.

"Hello Luna" I said walking towards them and taking a seat on the edge of Harry's bed

"Hello Hermione. We came to check on you and Harry, but you were no where to be found. Are you alright?" Luna asked almost in a whisper

"As alright as i can be. I just took a quick walk"

"To yours and Harry's secret room?" She asked

I was shocked, no one has ever known about that room. How could she possibly know?

"I'm better at observing people. I won't tell a soul. He is okay....the nargles told me so. I will visit again tomorrow" She gave me quick hug and walks out

I have never understood her? She just seems so....interesting. I had no idea what nargles were but it made me feel a little better.

"You hear that Harry? The nargles said you will be alright, so you better wake up soon" I joked

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