Part 19

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Harry's pov

We left the Weasley's a couple of days ago, and I'm glad we did. I couldn't believe they're not supportive of us....well except for the twins and Ginny. We just decided to stay at the leaky cauldron till tomorrow, that is when her parents are expecting us.

"Harry remember what i told you. After we tell my parents, my dad will pull you aside and ask you questions. You can lie....well not too much. Just don't tell him how often we have sex" Hermione rambles on nervously

I got up from the bed and walked over to her, she was standing by the mirror brushing her hair.

"Calm down, they will be supportive. You said they trust you and shouldn't i be the nervous one? I'm taking their only child from them" I asked placing my arms around her body

"I know...its just....I'm worried. The first time their meeting my boyfriend, we're telling them about the engagement. It's just a lot for them to take in"

"Everything will work out? Now we have the rest of the day to be what do you want to do?" I ask her

"How about we go out? We haven't had a real date since the night you proposed to me" She suggested giving me a quick kiss on the cheek

"Absolutely. I love getting to spoil you"

"Great. I need you to leave" She says placing her hands on her hips

"What? Why?"

"I need to get ready. It takes time to get ready for a date. Just go to the three broomsticks or something" She says quickly pushing me out the door

"Okay I'm going! I will be back in 2 hours" I told her before she shuts the door

I left the cauldron and decided to go for a walk through diagon alley. I bet she will look gorgeous today....i mean she always does. The night of the yule ball, my heart nearly stopped when i saw her walking down those steps, i have never seen anything more beautiful. How did i get so lucky?

I decided to go and try to find a few Christmas presents for my friends and Hermione. I know i got her the ring, but that wasn't her present. I have tried to find something perfect for her but nothing so far. I could always ask her what she wanted? As i was still walking in the brisk cold, i heard a voice call my name.

"Harry!" I turned to hear Ginny call

She runs over to me and pulls me in for a quick hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her

"We are just doing some shopping. What about you? Where's Hermione?"

"She is getting ready for our date tonight, I'm just walking around trying to pick out a present for her"

"Oh. Well tell her i miss her. My family was awful to you guys, especially Mum. I haven't even spoken to them. I couldn't believe my mother would say those things, she was always so supportive of your relationship. It doesn't really make sense to me. And Ron, how dare he imply that Hermione was pregnant?" Ginny blurts out angrily

"I know. We're going to stay with her parents tomorrow" I tell her

"You're meeting her parents? The first time your meeting her parents and you're going to tell them that you're your engaged? I hope that goes well" She says placing her hand on my arm

"Thank you. I must go find her present. I would say give my best to your family but...they don't really deserve that now do they" I joked causing her to giggle

"Alright well good luck with her parents, have Hermione send me a letter telling me all about it" Ginny demands before running off

After she left i continued my walk before i had to go get Hermione. But first i had to figure out where to take her.

Hermione's pov

After taking a nice hot shower, i had to decide what to wear. As i was looking through my suitcase, i noticed my ring. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I can't believe he actually wanted to marry me. 2 years ago I never thought a boy would ever like me, let alone Harry. The ring is so beautiful. I really am the luckiest girl in the world.

After thinking more about Harry, i finally got changed. I decided on a mid length purple dress, with the sleeves coming down the my elbows. I made sure to grab a matching sweater due to the snow outside. When i finished changing i brushed and dried my hair and placed it in a ponytail.

"Done!" I told myself looking in the mirror

Just then i heard knocking at the door. Not many people know we're here, so who could be knocking?

I went to open the door, only to see my handsome boyfriend standing on the other side.

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"I'm picking you up for our date, you look absolutely beautiful by the way" He tells me pulling out a white rose

"Thank you" I felt the heat reach my cheeks

"So....soon to be Mrs.Potter, care to join me for a romantic dinner? I found this wonderful italian place that is just perfect for you" He says pulling me in for a kiss

"Save that for tonight"

He took my hand and we walked not too far, all the way to this small fancy restaurant. I never knew diagon alley even had fancy restaurants?

We walked in and almost immediately got seated, i could tell from the many stares we got that people recognized us.

"Don't pay attention to them. This is just about us" He tells me noticing my worry

The next hour was one of the most romantic dates we have had. The food was delicious and Harry was just perfect. We talked about my parents, the wedding, and what the rest of the plans are for the holidays. It was a wonderful evening.

After dinner we took a walk in the snow, it was a little cold so Harry gave me his jacket. I couldn't help but laugh at the cliche. I looked around and saw the snow falling in the night sky and it was so beautiful.

"It's so beautiful Harry"

"Yeah it is. And so are you. You are so beautiful mione" He whispers pulling me in for a deep kiss

"How about we go back to the leaky cauldron" I suggested pulling away from him

"I like that idea" He says grabbing my hand and quickly pulling me back to the cauldron and up to our room.

The next morning...

"We can do this right?" I asked him

"Absolutely. We just need to go inside and talk to them. They will ask us questions about our relationship and about school. Then tonight at dinner we will tell them" Harry says calming me down

We just took the knight bus to my parents house. I wrote them and told them we were coming today, so they know we are. Currently we're standing right outside my house trying to calm ourselves down before seeing them.

"Okay. We can do this. They will love you, i know they will. Just remember what i told you yesterday" I reminded him

I walked up to the front door while he grabs our bags.

Knock knock

I finally knocked on the door ready to face them once again. At least Harry was at my side.

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