Part 16

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"So Hermione...will you marry me?"

She just looked at me wide eyes, not saying a word. I didn't know what to make of it. I expected tears maybe a smile at least. She was probably just going over it in her head.

"Harry...i mean we're so young. I mean....Wow! I just never expected this. What about school?" Hermione asks nervously

"We can get married after school or something....i just want this to represent our future. I love you Hermione and i want to be with you forever"

"You haven't even met my parents yet?"

"Well we can visit them on break then. So? Do you love me enough to marry me?" I ask her getting off my knee

"I love you more than anything. I just....want to wait awhile first. I am not saying no, i just think maybe it's too soon. Please understand Harry"

"You're saying no?" I am shocked to say the least, i truly thought she would say yes

"No. I am saying not yet. I want to focus on school for now"

"Alright i understand" I closed the ring box and put it back in my pocket

I could see the guilty expression on her face. I was heartbroken, Ginny told me that she would say yes, and i believed her. I know she said not yet, but why does that feel like never?

"Harry please i love you. You are my heart, and one day i hope to marry you. But for now we should just stay here and enjoy this night you planned for us. Is that alright?" She asks grabbing my hands

"Yeah. I still love you and we can't have all of this going to waste" I tell her

She pulls me in for a kiss, probably trying to make it less awkward. The night went on as planned, we danced and swam for a bit before heading to bed. It was nearly the perfect night.

Then i went to sleep.


In my head i ran through the scenarios if she would say no. I hoped that it never would come true. I looked up to Hermione to see the surprise look on her face.

Hermione's pov

"So Hermione Granger....will you marry me"?

I'm stunned. Did he really just ask me to marry him? I looked at him and then the ring. I can't help but notice it matched the necklace he got me last year. He just asked me to marry him! So many things went through my head. Are we too young? What will everyone say when they found out? What about my parents?

I knew i loved him. I loved him more than anything in world. How could i possibly say to no to the one guy i can always count on for everything?

"Yes" I whispered as i felt a tear fall down my cheek

"Did you say yes?" He asks as his smile got bigger

"Yes! Of course I will marry you Harry!"

He instantly stands and pulls me in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. I could feel the tears on his cheeks as we we're hugging.

"I love you so much Hermione" He whispers taking my hand and placing the ring on it

"I love you more than anything. I want to be your wife and be with you forever. Holy merlin....we're getting married" I pulled him back to my lips

"Yeah...but i know how important school is to you. So I will get married whenever you want, even if it's after we graduate. But I want to marry you Hermione....more than anything"

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