Part 32

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A few days later...

"Okay how do i look?" I asked Ginny as i stepped out of the castle in my wedding dress

I was dressed in the most perfect princess gown and long veil following the dress. My hair was in perfect waves and Ginny did my makeup. I couldn't believe i was actually doing this. Luckily the whole castle is at hogsmeade, so this was the best time to get married. I was finally ready to marry the man i love.

" look so beautiful! Harry won't be able to take his eyes off you. I have never seen someone so...beautiful" She cried

"Please don't cry. You will make me start to get emotional...and you worked so hard on my makeup" I tell her pulling her in for a hug

The only ones who is attending the wedding was Ginny, Ron, amd Professor Dumbledore. I wrote a letter to my parents explaining everything that happened. They were of course upset they aren't here, but i promised a party in the summer to celebrate the wedding.

"Thank you...really. You have done so much for us. Your my best friend" I held on tightly

"Anything. Remember this when you have children....Ginny sounds like a beautiful name" I heard her whisper in my ear, i slight giggle escaped my lips

"That won't be for awhile but i promise you can have a middle name. Now let's go get me married....Holy Merlin! I'm getting married" It sounded so unreal once i said the words out loud

I grabbed my broom and took my seat. I wanted to surprise Harry by riding a broom myself. Ginny has been helping me for the last few days. It was her idea and it was absolutely perfect.

"Okay we practiced remember? Harry will love it i promise. Just take it easy at first" She advises as we both lifted off the ground

I started flying over Hogwarts with Ginny following me. It was going to be a great day.

Harry's pov

"You can do this Harry. You love her and she loves you" I kept telling myself

I didn't have any regrets, i was just nervous. Anyone would be nervous if they were getting married in 10 minutes. I was dressed in the nicest suit and i got my hair cut. I wanted to look my best.

"You okay?" Ron asked as we were waiting by the lake

"Yeah....just nervous. I mean that in a good way. I love her and i want to get married"

"Calm down. It's going to be great. She will come here and look beautiful. You can do this....i mean if you can defeat the dark lord you can get married" Ron tells me placing both hands on my shoulders

"She is going to look beautiful. She said she has some surprise for me and I'm getting married" I couldn't help smiling to myself


Just then i see Ginny flying over towards us. She was wearing a simple red dress and has her hair all done.

"She is on her way. I wanted her to make an entrance. You are going to die when you see her" Ginny squeals stepping off the broom and standing to my side

I stood there waiting quietly as i saw Ginny practically bouncing with excitement. I didn't understand why she was so excited....that was until i saw her on a broom.

Hermione was riding a broom...a broom? I never thought i would see her riding one. The broom soon left my mind when i saw her step off and face me. I couldn't help but lose my mind when i saw her. She looked gorgeous in her dress. Her veil was since and long and flowed down to her dress. She was an absolute vision in white. I never thought i would see someone so beautiful.

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