Part 24

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Dedicated to OliviaStJohn


It has been a week of staying at the weasleys, and it is....awkward, especially with Ron. Since he doesn't support Hermione and I, we haven't talked to him.

"So where will the wedding be? How about at Hogwarts? It was the place where you two first met" Ginny suggests

Ron, George, and Fred are out on their brooms, while Hermione and Ginny are making a few plans for the wedding. I had thought we were waiting, but Ginny said it's better to have it all figured out.

"Actually i already had a place in mind. I wanted to get married at black lake. It is a special spot for Harry and I, so i thought that would work" Hermione tells her, i could the hint of pink appear on her cheeks

"That would work. It's really romantic there. Now that we have location, the most important thing is when is the wedding. I know you two were not planning on getting married soon, but i think you should. You never know what might happen?" Ginny suggests happily

"I actually like that idea. There has been so many bad things that have gotten in the way of our lives. I want to marry you, so why not sooner rather than later?" I ask her

"I want to marry you too. How about at the end of summer? It's only 6 months away, that's plenty of time. Besides the weather will be so nice since we're having an outside wedding"

"Perfect! It's going to be so romantic. Leave it up to me, i will make this the best wedding ever. I have to go tell mum and owl everyone" Ginny eagerly runs upstairs

"I can't wait to marry you" I pulled Hermione off the couch and brought her in my arms

She immediately presses her lips to mine. Things quickly heated up as our tongues began moving together. I pushed her on the couch and climbed on top of her. I felt her hands move up the back of my shirt and rub my spine. I leaned down to her neck and began sucking. She quietly moaned my name as she leaned her head back.

"Merlin you have no idea what you do to me" I whisper into her neck

"I think i have an idea" She then begins moving her hips against mine

Hermione's pov

I felt such intense pleasure as our bodies moved together. I then felt Harry's hands move to the outside of my shirt over my breasts. I knew we shouldn't get too carried away, especially since we're on the couch and anyone could walk in, but Merlin he was turning me on.

"Harry....we can't" I whisper still letting him kiss my neck

"Come on mione, we haven't in so long. I miss you. I miss your body" He whispers

"Well we can't here. We need to go upstairs" I tell him, he immediately stops and looks at me with excitement

He stood up and offered me his hand, i of course took his hand as we began to make our way upstairs. Just as we neared the staircase, someone called my name.

"Hermione i need to talk to you about more wedding plans!" Ginny yells from her room

"Hey Harry. Wanna play?" George asks holding a broomstick as he walked in

We looked at each other and i knew we couldn't.

"Tonight" I whispered in his ear before making my way up to Ginny's room

Harry sighed and walked away with George. We will get our moment eventually. I hoped we would get some alone time soon, we are only on holiday for 3 more days. New Years was amazing, and we spent all day together. Even though i wanted to be with Harry, i was excited to begin planning the wedding.

Harry's pov

I grabbed my broom and went outside. We were playing teams of course, it was Fred and Ron verses George and I. They knew Ron and I weren't speaking, so they kept us on opposite teams.

We played for a few hours. George and I always won, which made the most sense. Ron isn't terrible, he just hasn't practiced enough. Afterwards we all went back inside for dinner.

When i walked back in, Hermione and Ginny were talking about how the whole school was going to make a big deal about our engagement. I knew she was right. The whole wizarding world was talking about us and every newspaper were showing pictures and articles about us. I have gotten used to the attention, so it was nothing i haven't dealt with.

"You two should have professor Dumbledore preform the wedding. That would be so sweet....oh Harry, do you have a best man yet?" Ginny asks once she sees me

Of course i wanted Ron, but he isn't really an option right now.

"I probably won't have one best friend isn't an option and i didn't plan on having anyone else"

"He will come around Harry, i know he will"

Before i knew it, Hermione ran up the stairs. I knew what she was going to do.

Hermione's pov

After hearing Harry talk about Ron, i felt like i should try and talk to him. If he still likes me as much as i think, he will want me to be happy. Nothing will make me more happier than marrying Harry.

Knock knock

"Ron....can i talk to you?" I asked slightly opening the door

He was facing his window not turning around or saying anything. I knew he was mad but he could at least acknowledge that I'm here.

"Okay....well I will do all the talking, like usual. I'm really sorry if this is hard for you and I know you still like me. We need you in our lives Ron. Harry wants you as his best man and no one else, so can you please talk to us" I tell him, but of course he is still ignoring me

"Are you really just going to remove us from your life? We have been through everything together. Just because you don't like our relationship doesn't mean you can be such a...." I started to yell, but before i could do anything, he walks over and kisses me

I didn't even realize what happened. One second i was talking and the next he walked over and kissed me. I immediately pushed him away before slapping him across the face.


"What the hell is wrong with you! Are you that much of a git that you would ignore everything i just said. I told you i don't want you. Why can't you understand!"

I next heard running up the stairs. Harry quickly pushed the door open and looked at me. He then realized what happened when he saw the saw mark across Ron's face.

"Harry don't!" I grabbed Harry just as he was about to hit Ron

"Hermione he kissed you! You are my fiancé and i won't have my ex best friend going around thinking that doesn't matter" Harry exclaims sternly

"Remember the yule ball? It's not worth it. Please let's go back downstairs for dinner. Please darling" I whisper placing my hand on his cheek

I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the room, not even looking back at Ron. We made our way downstairs where we're met with all eyes. Of course everyone heard me yelling.

"What happened up there? We heard shouting" Molly asks as she sat down for dinner

"Nothing. It was nothing. Let's eat" Harry says sitting down

What was i going to do?


Funny video that made me happy😁

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