Part 17

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"Alright so you have everything?" I ask Harry as we are sitting on the couch

We're about to leave and i had to make sure Harry had everything he needed.

"Of course. We just need to wait for Ron to get down here. He always seems to take his time getting ready"

"Or maybe he is with Luna? They have been getting close since the ball. I know Luna likes him alot" I tell Harry snuggling up to his shoulder

"Yeah but he is just to afraid to tell her how he feels"

"Well maybe he should walk over to her and just ask her to kiss him? I mean it worked out for you didn't it" I tell him thinking back to that memory

It was the sweetest thing he has ever done. From that point on we have been inseparable.

"Hey know i could really use some good luck right now" He says laughing

I lifted my head off his shoulder and pressed my lips to his. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me on his lap. Quickly things heated up as i soon felt his warm lips connect to my neck.

"Harry I think i hear Ron" I tell him hearing footsteps coming downstairs

I quickly got off his lap and stood.

"Sorry for taking so long. You guys ready to go?" Ron asks us

"Absolutely. This will be the best Christmas ever" I tell them both before we all grabbed our stuff and headed out

On the train....

Harry's pov

We made sure to get a compartment together, seeing as we haven't spent much time hanging out with Ron. Right now Ron and i are catching up while playing a game of exploding snap. Hermione on the other hand is reading her book.

"So Harry what did you get Hermione for Christmas? Last year you got that necklace right?" Ron asks me

"I can't tell you out loud because even though she is highly invested in her book, i imagine she can still hear us. But her present in amazing. I also got yours" I tell him

"Is it awesome?"


After our game of exploding snap, Hermione eventually joined the conversation when we began talking about quidditch.

"You know Ron, you could probably join the team next year. No doubt Harry will be the captain next year" Hermione tells him

"I plan to. That's why I will be practicing all summer" He says proudly

"You know you could probably join as well. You know enough about the sport. If i could just get you on a broom. You won't fly by yourself" I tell her wrapping my arms around her shoulders

"I don't know about that. I think i will just be better at cheering for you two. Besides I like flying with you" she says shyly

"But..." Ron began to say but the knocking on the door made him turn

"Can i join you guys? I was in a compartment with Dean, Seamus and Ginny. But then Ginny and Dean kept it was getting a bit awkward" Neville asks awkwardly

"Nooo! I don't want to hear that" Ron complains covering his ears

"Of course Neville. I understand how that could be awkward" Harry says laughing, probably at Ron's reaction

"How? If i had a galleon for everytime i see you and Hermione snogging, i would be rich" Ron says rudely causing both mine and Hermione's cheeks to turn red

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