Part 3

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I woke up this morning with Hermione laying in my arms. I stayed still not wanting her to wake up. We decided to sleep in my room instead of her's last night.

I could still hear the sound of Ron snoring away in his bed, meaning it must still be early.

Suddenly i felt this shifting weight next to me. I saw her turn around and face me.

"Morning love"

"Morning. How did you sleep?" She asks whispering

"Wonderful. It helped having someone as beautiful as you next to me"

She leaned her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you okay?" I asked a little bit confused

"You know we have to go to diagon alley today and get our school things. I know how much you hate going out in public" She tells me

"It's alright. I knew i had to face them all sometime. Being the savior of the magical world does come with the fame....sadly"

"I will be there holding your hand the whole time. Wait....why don't you just bring you invisibility cloak? I mean it's a way to go unnoticed" Hermione suggests

"Your brilliant you know that" I gave her a quick kiss before we snuggled back together.

Diagon Alley....

Hermione's pov

I had my hand laced with Harry's as we walked through each of the stores gathering our stuff. As he was under the cloak, i was there guiding him. For some odd reason i have noticed lots of people taking my picture. Harry tells me it was because I'm his girlfriend, but the fame is still strange.

"I have a surprise for you" I heard Harry tell me

I instantly felt him pulling my hand. He took us through the crowds and all the way through diagon alley. I had no clue where he was taking me. After a little bit more of walking, i looked behind me to see we're quite away from everyone else.

"Harry where are you taking me?" I asked fed up with this secret adventure

I looked down towards the ground to see a picnic? The sun was shining just perfectly through the trees while the food is so gracefully set up.

Harry then takes off the cloak finally revealing himself.

"Harry what is all of this?" I asked surprised

"We are having a date. I set it up just perfectly. Now come on and sit with me" He says pulling me down on the blanket

For the whole date we are just discussing my trip to France and what we have been up to. Harry talks to me about his family, but then i realized. Where will Harry live for the rest of his years at Hogwarts?

"Harry where are you going to live during the summer? I mean you can't stay at the weasleys forever"

"No idea. But I don't want to talk about that now" He says quietly before leaning in towards my lips

I grabbed his collar and pulled him to my lips in a passionate frenzy. We didn't get much time to be alone so when we are, it gets a bit intense.

Snap! Snap!

I quickly moved away from Harry and i looked behind me, only to see a bunch of cameras flashing.

"Dammit! They always have to interrupt. I'm sorry Hermione. I just wanted for once to come out in public and not be bothered by the press"

"Harry you saved the whole wizarding world. Your a hero. I knew that this would about we just go?" I suggested noticing how upset he is

"Yeah" He stands up and grabs my hand pulling me up with him

We walked towards the cameras hand in hand not feeling any shame of the photos that were being taken.

"Harry how does it feel to be the most famous man in the wizarding world?"

" long have you two been together?"

"Are you two on a date?"

Millions of questions are being thrown at Harry and i but Harry just ignored them and pulled me through the crowd.

"So much for a quiet trip to diagon alley. Let's head home once we get our supplies" Harry says as we went back to the burrow

The few days later...




I heard my name being called and i eagerly jumped out of bed. I looked around to see Ginny standing in front of me.

"What is it?" I asked her still not fully awake

"You need to get dressed and come eat breakfast. Mum said we need get ready to go to the platform. Did you forget we are going back to Hogwarts today?" She asks me

"Of course not. I will be right down" I told her, she eventually leaves me

I woke myself up and began changing for the day. Once finished i went down to the dining room with all of my stuff.

"Harry i thought you would have never came down. Now sit and eat. We have to get going to the platform" She says ushering me to the kitchen table

I took my seat right next to Hermione and i wrapped my arm around her waist. She gave me a long kiss on the lips before settling into my chest. She grabbed a piece of bacon and started feeding me.

"Can you two not be so.... well you the table. We are trying to eat" Ron compains

"Hush now Ronald. When your in love I'm sure you will do the same thing" Molly says quieting Ron up immediately

After breakfast we all grabbed our stuff and went to the platform. Once we got there i could see everyone staring at me or whispering. I knew this year will be a bit harder for me socially but i had Hermione and that's all i need.

"Now be good. Boys i want no funny business his year. If you want to open your shop i expect you to be on your best behavior. You to Ron" Molly says sending the boys on the train

"Harry i expect you for the holidays. You as well Hermione"

We said our goodbyes and we went on the train. Usually we would sit with Ron and Ginny, but this year i decided to sit away from them and go to our own compartment. As i walked through the aisle many people are thanking me and patting me on the back while others are asking for my autograph.

This will get old fast.

Soon i found an empty compartment and quickly went in with Hermione. She shut the door and the curtains finally giving us privacy.

"Well that was exciting" Hermione says sarcastically

"Everything will work out" I tell her pulling her next to me

"Hopefully" She says sadly

"What is it?"

"When we walked by practically every single girl was staring at you. I overheard them talking about how hot you are. They gushed when you passed them. I just don't want to compete for your attention with every girl in the school"

"There is no competition. You are the only girl for me i promise. You see this necklace? It was made to give the women you love....I love you Hermione Granger. No girl will ever be more perfect than you" I told her grabbing the necklace

"I love you to" She says leaning in giving me a soft kiss

"Oh and just a warning. Don't eat or drink anything any girl offers you. I have heard talk of love potions being smuggled around. No doubt one girl will try to use one on you"

"Promise" I wrapped my arms around her waist as we lay there in contentment

This year will be good i know it.

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