Part 4

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It seemed like the quickest train ride i've been on and that says alot. I remember riding the night bus, that was an experience i will never forget. One second i was talking with Hermione and the next, the train stopped at the platform.

"Hermione?" I whispered shaking my shoulder but it seems she fell asleep

"I'm up. Are we there yet?" She asks tiredly


We both stood up and began walking out of the train. Similar to every year we got on the boats leading to Hogwarts. I got in a boat with Seamus, Parvati, and Padma. There wasn't enough room for both Hermione and i, so i just had her on my lap.

"So Harry how different do you think this year is going to be?" Seamus asks me

"Hopefully very different. I mean he is gone"

"Thanks to you. I mean i can't believe you killed him. You are more famous than ever. I won't be surprised if there isn't a national holdiay named after you" Padma says excitedly

"That would be extremely strange. I don't need a holiday" I tell her, Hermione just looks towards the castle and i could see her eyes filled with excitement.

"It's beautiful don't you think? I haven't taken a good look at it since first year" She says quietly

"Not as beautiful as you" I tell her

"Awww" I heard Padma and Parvati say simultaneously

"Weasley was right. You two are sickening" Seamus says in a disgusting tone, Hermione just glares at him

Then an idea popped into my head. I turned and whispered to the twins and asked them for a favor. Just as we are pulling up to shore both Parvati and Padma pushes Seamus out of the boat and into the water.

"Potter!" Seamus yells as everyone started laughing

We soon pulled up to shore and began walking up to the castle. As we walked inside i looked above us to see the night sky displayed above me, just like first year.

When we walked in i heard this sudden applause. I looked around to see everyone standing. I had no idea why they were clapping, that is till i noticed everyone staring at me. Teachers and even ghosts were giving me a standing ovation. Once the applause died down we all took our seats.

"What was that?" Ron asks me

"No idea. I didn't expect applause when i walked in"

Soon professor Mcgonagall started giving her same speech to the first years as she does every year. After awhile the sorting ceremony began.

"Now that you are all sorted. This year is most special. As most of you know the dark lord was defeted at the beginning of summer. No matter how much he despises attention, i believe this attention is deserved. Harry Potter....he is a boy everyone knew even before the dark lord was gone. He has defeated the dark lord and brought the wizarding world to peace. We all owe him our lives and the lives of the future wizards who will stand here years from now. This year is special. The applause was a thank you from everyone....thank you Harry" Professor Dumbledore says admirably

I looked around me to everyone staring at me. It was so embarassing to be recognized by the school. I really just wanted this year to be normal....but it seems like that's not possible. I suddenly felt Hermione grab my hand under the table. I looked over at her and she just smiles.

Soon the infamous supper started and we all began eating. I realized i really missed the food they served here.

As i was eating, i started to feel like someone was watching me, well I knew everyone is watching me but this somehow felt different. I looked behind me to see Draco and he looked extremely angry. Since his father was a death eater he was kissed by the dementor. Draco has been upset with me ever since it happened, i know we never got along in the past but i know how it feels to have your father taken from you. I guess i feel some sort of sympathy for him.

"Mr. Potter? I would like to see you in my office after supper" Dumbledore says before walking away

"What do you think he wants to talk about?" Hermione asks

"What everyone wants to ask me. What was it like defeating the dark lord?"

"I'm coming with you" Hermione declares, i knew better than to argue with her

After dinner Hermione and i made our way to Dumbledore's office. I said the password and began walking up the stairs. Slowly we walked in and i didn't just see Dumbledore....Sirius?

"Well look at you. You look more like James everyday" Sirius says admirably

I let go of Hermione's hand and gave Sirius a hug. It has been far too long since I've seen him.

"It's good to see you. What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Well since the dark lord is gone, Dumbledore says there is a chance we could somehow prove my innocence" Sirius says

"That's wonderful!"

"Yes. It will be nice to be free. Now how about you tell me all about you and this lovely girl behind you. Hello Hermione" Sirius says behind me, i almost forgot she was here

"Hello Mr.Black"

"Call me Sirius dear. Now i have good news that will effect both of you. Classes start tomorrow and i am glad to mention that Remus will be returning to teach DADA. Professor Dumbledore asked me not to tell you but i couldn't help it"

"That's wonderful, he is probably the best dark arts teacher that ever taught here. Is he able to have any access to wolfsbane while he is here?" Hermione asked him

"Brightest witch of her age. Don't worry he is well supplied thank to Severus. Now give your godfather another hug, i need to leave. Dumbledore only allowed me out of hiding for awhile" Sirius says hugging me

"I hope to see you soon. You as well Hermione" Sirius says before walking out the door

"I can't believe there is a chance he could be free and professor Lupin is returning. Maybe this year won't be so bad after all" Hermione says wrapping her arm around my waist

"Your right about that" I gave her a quick kiss before we left his office and went to the common room

I said the password and walked inside. There isn't many people around so Hermione and i just took a seat on the couch in front of the fire.

"So are you looking forward to classes tomorrow?" She asks me

"Yeah. This year I'm going to try harder in my classes. I want to live up to the expectation people want. They think I'm this all powerful wizard, they clearly haven't seen my grades"

"Not that I'm not proud of you for trying harder, but you don't need to live up to anyone's expectations. Be yourself" Hermione says wisely

"I love you"

"I love you too" She whispers pressing her lips to mine, the kiss didn't last long but i could feel the emotion in the kiss.

"Now go to sleep. I won't have you being tired tomorrow" She tells me

I gave her another quick kiss before heading up to my dorm. I quickly changed and went to bed.

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