-Chapter 2-

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[Jughead's POV]

     "Ugh, what's taking her so long?" I asked, pacing around the parking lot along with Archie and Veronica. It's been twenty minutes, and Betty hasn't shown up. "Should we call her?" Veronica suggested. "Honestly, it'll be perfectly fine without her on this trip. If not, better." I say, smirking. 


"I know, I know what this trip is for." I interrupt Archie.

"Hey guys! I'm so sorry I took so long. I had a difficult time packing." A blonde haired girl apologized, running towards us with her stuff.  Typical. "It's fine. At least you're here now." Veronica replied.

"Anyways...let's go! We should be in our destination by 11pm." Archie butted in. We all gathered up our bags and packed them at the back of Archie's car. Obviously, Archie took the driver's seat and I took shotgun. The two girls sat at the back. The girls chatted for most of the ride while Archie and I stayed silent. Finally, when they fell asleep, it was our turn to talk.

"So...where are we going, exactly?" I say, starting the conversation. "You'll see." He teased. 


"Are we almost there?" I asked. "Not quite. You should probably sleep." He replied, making it sound like he didn't want to talk to me. "I mean- you know, because you might be tired and it's still gonna be a pretty long way before we get there." He added, as if he was reading my mind. "Okay, wake me up when we get there or something." I said, yawning. 

How did he know I was sleepy?

I close my eyes as I slowly drift away into deep sleep. Hours passed, and I was awaken by the sound of the car's engine going to a gentle stop. "We're finally here!" Veronica gasped. "Woah." Betty says in awe as she looked around. It may be dark, but you can definitely see the brightly lit cabin surrounded by tall pine trees under the starry sky. We all got our stuff and walked in our home for the week.

"Archie and I will take this room, you guys can take the one upstairs. There's only one bed, though." Veronica said, smirking. "Wait..we're roommates?" Betty says with a tone, pointing at me, but with her eyes fixed at Ronnie. "Sorry guys." was all they said as they entered their room.


I entered our room, and the smell of old books hit me. It was pretty spacious, so I guess it was okay. Our only problem was the single bed situation. I searched around the place and luckily, there was a spare mattress.

"Okay, you stay on your side of the room, and I stay on mine." I said, squinting my eyes on the blonde. "Of course." She said, sitting on the bed. "You can also take the bed, I'll use the spare mattress." I say trying to be nice, but in reality, I just wanted to stay as far away as possible from her. "Well good, because that's what I was going to say." She replied. 


"Still can't believe they made us roommates. I mean- sure, they're a couple, but at least consider the state of your friends." I complain as she fixes her stuff. "I know, right?" she agreed, throwing her hands up to the air. "Anyway, just don't mess with my stuff." I warn. "I won't if you don't mess with mine." She bit back.

I fix my stuff and place the mattress on the hard, wooden floor. It's not as comfy as the bed, but it'll do. I squirm around, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

I guess this position is okay.

I close my eyes, hoping tomorrow won't be as bad as I think it will be.


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I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

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