-Chapter 24-

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[Betty's POV]

     "I don't think Betty will be pleased to see you here." I hear Veronica's faint voice as I approach the Blue and Gold's room door. I look at the blurred out window, seeing two very unclear blobs. One with dark hair, and the other with hair similar to mine- blonde. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I turn the knob. "Speaking of which.." The raven haired girl said, glancing at me. She pursed her lips as she steps aside awkwardly.

     "Mom?!" I gasped, eyes widening in shock. "What is she doing here?" I asked Veronica, anger evident in my voice.  She shrugged, making me glare at my mother to await her response. 

     "I know what I did was bad, but I want you back home." I open my mouth to interject, but she continued to speak. "I mean- how can you even survive on your own?" She reasoned. "Where have you been staying, anyway?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at her caring act. 

     "What? No, I'm fine!" I argued, ignoring her last question. I can't let her know.  "I think you should give her a chance, B." Veronica butted in. My mouth gapped at what she said. Does she even remember what my mom has done? "You can't stay at Jughead's place your whole life." She added. 

     "Excuse me?" My mom said angrily. "You're staying with that Jones boy?" She scoffed, pointing a daring finger at me. "Unacceptable. Do you know his dad's a Serpent? I won't let you hang out with him." She continued, shaking her head. "I thought you hated him." She said in confusion.

     I sigh, rage bubbling inside me. "Seriously, V? Are you really taking her side?" I faced my best friend, feeling betrayed. She stared at me with her mouth hung open, not seeming to know what to say.

     "Also, mom, a lot has changed." I turned back to her. "You can't just kick me out of our house and ask me to come back like nothing happened." I complained. "And I'm still gonna hang out with Jughead. Why do you even care all of a sudden, anyway?" I questioned, tears starting to rim my eyes. 

     "Jughead was there for me through all of this madness," I said, remembering everything that has happened the past month. "so whether you like it or not, I'm still gonna stay with him." I finished, storming out of the room.


Thank you for reading this chapter! 

I'm sorry it's quite short, but I hope you liked it~

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