-Chapter 27-

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[Betty's POV]

     "Morning, Betts." Jughead mumbles into my ear as I shift in his embrace. "Good morning, Juggie." I replied groggily. He prepares to sit up, when I grab him on the arm. 

     "Can we just- can we stay here a little longer? Please?" I pleaded as he lies back down. "Of course." He replied, cuddling me once more.

     "You okay?" He asks, kissing my forehead gently while playing with my blonde locks. "Yeah, everything's better, actually." I grinned. He smiled back. "Told you we'd get through this."


     "I'm so glad everything's fine now." Veronica smiled happily, sitting beside Archie on our favorite booth at Pop's, their milkshakes on hand. "How are you guys?"

     "Everything is great." I beamed contently, smiling at my boyfriend beside me.

      "Yeah," He mumbled, finishing off his burger. "All I need to worry about now is her." He said jokingly. 

     I chuckled, nudging him on the shoulder. "Stop it!" He laughed in return, along with the couple across us.


Anddd THE END! Thank you all so much for reading this book! I'm so sorry for being gone for 3 months. I just kinda lost inspo and got too lazy to update. 

But anyways, wow, I can't believe this book got so much reads! You guys have no idea how thankful I am y'all decided to read this and actually (hopefully) enjoyed it. Ily all, and seriously, thank you so much. 

*stay tuned for future books huehue and if you like aus, my ig is @buggheaddauss*


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