-Chapter 8-

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[Archie's POV]

     This morning, I noticed that Betty was off. Well, not that she hasn't been the past few days, but she's been in a mix of emotions lately. "You seem extra grumpy today." I spoke up, plopping next to her on the couch. "Oh really, now?" She replied with sarcasm. "Is this because of Jug?" I asked. "Actually, no." She paused. "He's been pretty nice...ish." She smiled a little. I'm glad they're starting to get along. "Then why are you so off today?" I questioned. "Nothing, okay?" She bursts. "I-I'm fine, really." She added, standing up. She went straight upstairs as I just sat there, speechless. 

     I didn't want to overstep, so I didn't follow her. "What happened?" Veronica asked, walking in from our room. "It's Betty...something is bothering her." I explained. "Oh yeah, I noticed that too." She sighed. "Jughea-" 

     "He had nothing to do with it." I interrupted her. "Oh, well then what happened?" She replied. "I don't know. I'll ask Jughead later, maybe he knows. All I know is that it's not about him. She said it herself." Veronica showed a frown in reply and sat down beside me. "What if she's sad because of us?" She rested her head on my shoulder. "I doubt that." I comforted her. 


     "Jug, notice anything weird about Betty lately?" I asked, breaking the silence as we sat outside the porch. "She's always weird." He replied jokingly. "Seriously, man. She's been pretty emotional." I said. "Yeah...she's been crying a couple of times. I thought she was getting better, but she started crying again this morning." He sighed. "Was that because of me? I asked her why she was sad earlier." I ask with guilt. "Dude, she hates being asked about it. I've tried." He replied. "Why is she sad, anyway?" I questioned. "I don't know, but I'm about to find out." He says with confidence. "Good luck with that." I snickered. Betty isn't one to trust a lot of people with her secrets. She won't even tell Ronnie and I what's wrong, so why would she tell Jughead?


Thanks for reading!

OMG This chapter is SUPER short I'm so sorry! The upcoming part is something I want on a separate chapter, that's why.

 Anywho- I feel really motivated to write at the moment so expect another chapter in a few hours or tomorrow!

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