-Chapter 20-

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[Jughead's POV]

     Slowly opening my eyes, I was faced by the ceiling. As I turned to my side, I see Betty. She looks like she's thinking really hard about something. "Hey." I say, startling her.

     "Hey." She replied, still keeping that pondering expression of hers. "What's up?" I ask in curiosity. She looked at me for a second, hesitating a bit. "Nothing." 

     I raised my eyebrow, not uttering a single word. "It's just thoughts about my parents." She gave in, looking away from me. "Like, did they ever care about me?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. 

     "Of course they care about you. They're just..." I pause, thinking of the right word to say. "frustrated. I'm sure they'll come to their senses soon."

     "Oh, you wouldn't know, Jones." She said with a light chuckle. "Plus, school starts again tomorrow, which means I'll have more things on my plate." She whined. "It's going to be fine." I replied, pulling her close to me. "Archie, Veronica, and I are here for you, and we'll help you through all of this, okay?" I reassured her as we cuddled. 

     She sighed. "What can I do without you?" She said, burying her face into my chest. "Now, get some more rest, you're gonna need it." I said, not knowing how long she's been awake. "I'll be right here." I said in a soft whisper, rubbing her back as I feel her slowly relax into sleep. 


     After a whole day of rest at home with Betty, it was time to go to school the next day. "Have you told anyone else about you staying at my place?" I asked on our walk to school. 

     "No, but I will when the time is right." She replied, pressing her lips together. "Okay then." I grinned.

[Veronica's POV]

     "Archie..." I gasped, staring at the two people walking on the sidewalk, pretty far from us. "Isn't that Betty and Jughead?" I pointed at the two walking under an umbrella. After realizing it was them, I stopped on my tracks, and Archie did the same. "I think we should leave them alone."

     "Why?" Archie asked in reply. "You know, let them enjoy each other's company." I smirked. "Because I think we're cupids more than we are friendship makers." I finished, pulling him to the side.

      "Fine." He chuckled. "We can take the other route to school." He said, holding my hand to lead me to the opposite direction.

[Betty's POV]

     "Juggie, as much as I want to walk with you all the way to school, I don't want people to raise any suspicions." I said, cupping his left cheek. "Oh yes, of course." He replied.

 I gave him a sad smile, releasing his cheek. "I'll see you later, okay?"



Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm so sorry for the wait. I've been busy with school plus making my au story on insta. I'll be updating this book twice this week, though~

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