-Chapter 5-

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[Veronica's POV]

     Archie and I had so much fun at the club. We also managed to find an empty closet, and you already know what may have happened in there. 

     "Ronnie!" Archie shouted to beat the loudness of the blasting music. "Yeah?" I shouted back. "Both Betty and Jughead went back to the cabin. Jug sent me a text about an hour ago, but I just saw it now." He explained. "Ooo..." I say, smirking. "Don't get your hopes up, you've seen how heated their fights are." Archie replied. "Yeah, but who knows?" I say, grabbing his hand and leading us to the exit of the building. "Don't worry, I didn't drink much." Archie confirmed as he started up the vehicle. 

     Once we arrived the place, I went straight to Betty and Jughead's door to check on them. I knocked lightly, but there was no response, so I just invited myself in. "How are they?" Archie whispers from behind. "They're sleeping soundly on separate beds." I replied softly. "Our plan may be working." I added, closing their door. Moments later, both Archie and I fell asleep in our room, too.

      I woke up to the aroma of bacon coming from the kitchen. As I opened our door, I was greeted with a blond ponytail. "Good morning, V." Betty said. "I woke up early and I was bored, so I decided to cook some breakfast for all of us." She sighed. "I hope you don't mind-"

     "It's great, B." I interrupted. "It looks good, and I can't wait to try it." I added with a smile. She beamed back and continued making breakfast. I decided to go ahead and wake the boys up since Betty was almost done cooking.     

     "Who cooked this?" Jughead asked, breaking the silence in the middle of eating. "Betty did, actually." I replied. "So that's why it tasted horrible." He said, sipping from his glass of orange juice as Betty glares at him. 


     "Oh my god, you guys!" I exclaimed. "Can there be at least one day without any of you bashing each other?" I complained. I am so sick of their fights. "Actually, yeah." Jughead replied. "..if we never came to this thing." He said, standing up to go back to their room. I roll my eyes in annoyance as I continue eating my food. "Don't worry, Betty. The food tastes amazing." I comforted her. "Thanks, V." She sighs.


Thanks for reading! I'm sorry this chapter was short. I try my best to only have one POV on every chapter, but I might change that just to make these longer.

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