-Chapter 15-

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[Jughead's POV]

     The next day, I still couldn't shake the bad feeling off my head. I needed to check on Betty. Hopping on my dad's truck, I realized..."Damn it! I don't know the address of where she's staying." I said to myself. I closed my eyes, thinking. 

Riverdale's a small town. There are only a handful of apartments around here, right?

     Starting the rusty vehicle, I drove off the the closest apartment I could find. "Hi, do you happen to know if someone named Betty Cooper stays here?" I repeat to five different apartments, but to my disappointment, none of them had the answer I wanted.

      I even checked Betty's window if she was in her room in her old house, but of course she wasn't there. The stars started appearing in the sky, and I still haven't found her. In frustration, I decided to head back home.

     On my way, I passed by the bus station. As I glanced at the bench, my brows furrowed, seeing a certain blonde. I parked my dad's truck to check who it was. The girl was sleeping and it seems like she was shivering. Taking steps closer to have a better look on her, my eyes widen.

     "Betty?" I breathed. I shook her lightly on the shoulder in an attempt to wake her up, but all I received was a groan in reply. "Betts, wake up." I say calmly, grabbing her arm. As I touched her skin, my eyes widened. 

She was sick.

     I frowned as I examined her state. Her hair was all over the place. She was pale, and her lips were chapped. Not to mention, it rained last night. Where could she have gone to stay dry? It was also evident that she had been crying because of the dry streaks of tears on her face. I should've known she was lying. She seemed so suspicious when she told me she found a place to stay. How long was she planning to stay here? Days? Weeks? How will she be able to provide for herself without a job?

     I was pulled away from my thoughts by Betty's coughing, along with sniffling. I knew I couldn't just leave her here, so I carried her to  my dad's truck. When Jellybean was still around, we'd keep a blanket at the trunk just incase she gets cold. Thankfully, it was still there, so I grabbed it, and draped the cloth over the sleeping girl. Grabbing her stuff, I drove off. 

     Once we arrived the trailer, I carried her to my bed. Or my dad's, rather. He's been in jail for a while, so I've been using it. I figured I'd just sleep on the couch today. She shifts on the bed as I tuck her in. I chuckle to myself at how she's still asleep after everything. Staring at the blonde, I sigh.

I wonder what could have happened if I hadn't found her.


Thank you for reading this chapter! Also, thank you guys so much for all the love on this book! I never expected it to reach a lot of reads.

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