-Chapter 7-

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[Jughead's POV]

     Our drive home wasn't as silent as the one earlier. Betty had started talking a bit, but I could tell she was still sad. When we arrived our cabin, she went straight to our room while Archie and I hung out in the living room. Veronica went to the kitchen to bake us some chocolate chip cookies. 

     "Wow, it smells amazing! Are you done yet, Ronnie?" Archie asked, his eyes still locked on the television screen. "Almost!" She yelled back from the kitchen. "I'll call Betty." I say, standing up. I climbed up the stairs and opened the door gently. "Hey, Veronica baked some cookies if y-" I stop, noticing that she was crying. My face softens as I approach her. "What's wrong?" I ask as she wipes her tears. "I-It's nothing." She sniffles. "So what, are you just crying out of nowhere?" I replied jokingly. "It's none of your business." She said in a serious tone. "Are you sure-" I say, but I get interrupted. "Yes. J-Just please forget it."

     "Okay." I pause. "So, do you want cookies or not?" I questioned. "I'm not hungry." She says, looking away. "Oh please, I know you want some." I say with a smirk. "I-I can't let them see me like this." She sighs. "That's fine, I'll just bring some up here and tell them you're asleep, and that the cookies are mine." I stated my plan. She cracks a smile. "Thanks, Jug."

     As soon as I went down, the cookies were ready. "Jug, where's Betty?" Veronica asked with a plate of cookies on her hand. "She's asleep." I lied, grabbing four cookies. "Hey! Two cookies each!" She grumpily said. "I'm taking her share." I replied, sticking my tongue out. Veronica rolled her eyes as I made my way back to the room. 

      "That was fast." She chuckled, still having tear streaks down her face. "Here." I handed her a cookie. "You know I heard everything, right?" She says, extending her arm. "Fine." I whine, handing her a second cookie. 

     "What?" She asks, probably noticing that I'm observing her. "You're still sad." I replied, squinting. "You're not gonna stop bugging me until I'm happy, are you?" She said, taking a bite off one of her cookies. "Maybe." I smirk. She then smiles widely, her pearly teeth in clear view. "Are you happy now?" She mocks, but it was evident that her smile was fake. "The question is-" I pause. "Are you?" I retort. She rolls her eyes, finishing her first cookie. "It's a good thing you gave me these cookies, Jones." She warned. "What, am I supposed to be scared or something?" I chuckle. "Maybe." She mocks me, returning my smirk from earlier. "Haha, very funny." I replied, sarcasm clear in my voice. 

     She then goes ahead and finishes up her second baked good. "Thanks again." She mentioned, wiping off the crumbs around her mouth. "No problem." I shrug. Standing up, I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.


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