-Chapter 13-

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[Jughead's POV]

     Today is the day we're finally going to head back home. I didn't get much sleep last night. I couldn't help but think about Betty not having a place to go home to. As I was packing, a certain girl with blonde hair walked up to me, wearing a big smile. Although, I could tell it was fake.

     "Jughead, I have some good news." She said, clutching her phone tighter. "What is it?" I asked, smiling. "I've been looking online, and...I found a place to stay!" She exclaimed.

Wow, that was fast.

     Despite the suspiciousness of it all, I was very happy for her. "That's great, Betts!" I said, extending my smile. "Do you want me to walk you there? You know- since they'll drop you off at your house later." I continued. It may have sounded creepy, but I was only trying to be a good friend. Besides, I want to see her new place, and how she managed to get one in a matter of a few days.

     "No-no, it's fine." She shook her head. I wanted to insist on doing so, but she looked nervous, so I decided not to. "Oh, okay then." I pause. "Anyway, I gotta go and finish off packing." I said, glancing at the rest of my clothes waiting to be packed. "Y-Yeah, me too." She replied, walking away.


     "Guys! Are you ready?" Veronica shouted out from the outside. "Yeah! Just a sec." Betty shouted back, zipping up her bag. "Are you all set?" I asked, picking up my luggage. She nods in reply as we both exited our room. 

     On our way home, our seating arrangements were changed. Archie still drove,  but Veronica sat shotgun. Betty and I were the ones seated at the back. As we neared home, Betty looked quite afraid. "I guess this is my stop. Thank you guys for going to this trip." Veronica said as we pulled up on the Pembrooke. "No problem, thank you, too." Betty and I said at the same time. Chuckles circled trough the car. The whole ride to Betty's place, she was looking down, smiling. I'm glad I got to ease off the fear that she was feeling.

     It's actually great that Archie's the one driving. If someone else was, Archie and Betty would go down at the same stop, and Betty would have a hard time going to her new place without Archie speculating. 

     As we stopped by Betty's house, I gave her a tight squeeze on the shoulder. She grinned in reply. "Take care, you guys!" Betty smiled, waving at us as she exited the car. "Bye, Betts." I said as we drove off.

     "Betts, huh?" Archie said, smirking, eyes still locked on the road. "What? It's just a nickname." I looked out the window in annoyance. "Sure." Archie replied, dragging the end of the word. I rolled my eyes at him, not bothering to say anything back.

     "Thanks for the ride, man." I say, getting off the vehicle. "No problem, see you on Monday." He said, waving goodbye.


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