-Chapter 25-

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[Betty's POV]

     When I got home from school, I told Jughead about everything. I didn't think he'd say anything about it, not until..

     "Why would you even take her mother's side?" Jughead fumed at Veronica, eyebrows furrowed and arm raised up briefly in question.

     "Well, I thought it was for the better." She replied with a stoic expression. "Do you know how hard Betty's mom was on her?" He questioned. 

     "Jeez," She rolled her eyes. "okay, I'm sorry!" She shouted back. "I didn't realize she was that bad." She paused. "But just so you know," She said squinting with a finger pointed at him. "she can't stay with you forever. They're her family, Jughead." She finished as if I wasn't in the room. I covered my eyes with one hand, doing my best to hold in my tears. 

     "I know that" He replied, glancing at me, "but until she's comfortable seeing them, I'll let her stay with me. "Okay, bu-" 

     "Guys, please stop!" I intervened with my hands balled into fists, nails sinking lightly into my palms. They all fell silent, with Archie looking at me with sorry eyes for his girlfriend. I sighed, standing up. "I-I gotta go." 

     I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Betty.." I hear Jughead say softly as I ran away, tears making their way down my cheeks as I made my way to the girl's restroom.

     Getting inside a stall, I leaned against the closed door. Tears started flowing rapidly. I covered my mouth with my hand to somehow quiet down my sobs so that nobody knows I'm here.


     After my run to the restroom, I snuck out of school to avoid them, and went straight to Jughead's trailer. 

     "Betty, I'm so sorry-" Jughead says as he entered the room minutes after receiving my text that I went home.

      "This is why I shouldn't have told you guys." I sighed, leaning against the table. "All of this wouldn't have happened if so." I said, tears starting to well up in my eyes once more. "My situation even got you in a fight with V." I added as a single tear ran down my face.

     "It's fine." He said. "Fine? I just made things worse." I replied, wiping a tear. "None of this is your fault. All of this happened because we care about you, Betts." He says, taking a step closer. 

     "Trust me, Veronica and I will be on good terms soon." He sighed, getting a hold of my shoulder. "Look, I know things may seem rough at the moment, but we'll get through this, okay?" He soothed me, rubbing my shoulder gently with his thumb. "Together."

     I didn't say anything. I didn't need to. I slowly nodded my head as he pulled me in for a hug. "I don't know what to do anymore, Juggie. I-I don't.." I cried against his shirt, my voice muffled due to the cloth. I wrapped my arms around him tighter. His lips were pressed against the top of my head as he caressed my hair, whispering words of comfort. 


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