-Chapter 17-

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[Betty's POV]

     Waking up the second time today, I was shocked to see that everything that happened wasn't just a dream. I sat up feeling dizzy. Sadly, despite the rest, my head was still in pain. I glanced at the small clock, letting me know it was lunch time. Then, the realization hit me that I haven't eaten in two days. Standing up, I headed out the bedroom. 

     "H-Hello? Jug?" I voiced to a seemingly empty trailer. Growing dizzier, I sat on the couch, tightly closing my eyes to hopefully ease the pain. Suddenly, the door was opened, making me open my eyes as well. A beanie wearing boy with a handful of takeout from Pop's walked in.

     "Betty! Hi...sorry for leaving you for a bit. I just got some food." He said, placing the brown bags down. 

     "It's okay." I replied, standing up weakly to get to the table. Jughead looked at me with concern etched on his face. "A-Are you okay?" He approached me. "Y-Yeah, I'm just really dizzy, and my head aches. I haven't really eaten since we left the cabin." I said, sitting on a chair.

     "What? Betty, that was two days ago!" He exclaimed with wide eyes. "Here, you can have my two extra burgers. I can survive with just one." He said, handing me two of his burgers and one of my own. "Are you sure? You never give up your extra burgers from what I've seen last week." I asked, holding the food.

     "Yeah, It's fine. You need it most." He smiled, sitting across me. "Thank you." I smiled back, taking a bite off my first burger. 

     After finishing my meal, I slouched on my chair with a satisfied look on my face. "How are you feeling?" Jughead questioned, taking all the empty wrappers and putting them in the brown Pop's takeout bag. "I still feel a little bit sick, but I'm getting better." I grinned at him.

     "I probably shouldn't ask this, but you didn't eat in two days...does that mean if I hadn't found you, you'd be-" I interrupted him. "Dead?" He nodded, looking down. "Probably." I shrugged. "And you're okay with that?" He looked back up with sad eyes. Deep inside, I knew I didn't want it to happen. "I mean, I deserve it, don't I?" I replied, tears starting to fill my eyes. "I'm a disappointment, as my mom says." I continued, a tear running down my cheek.

     "Betty, you're not a disappointment, and you don't deserve it at all." He said, getting a hold of my shoulder. "Don't believe any of those bad things your mom told you," He continued, rubbing my shoulder. "You're an amazing person, Betts, and I mean it. Judging by how you treat everyone, you're really kind, and I understand that the way you treated me before was because of your anger against your mother. You have straight A's,  you have a lot of friends, and you're very organized. I don't see why she'd ever called you that." He stood up, getting ready to leave the table.

     I stared at him, tears streaming down my face. "Jug?" I voiced, standing up as well. "Yeah?" He replied. I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug, feeling his body stiffen in surprise, but relax just as quickly as he hugged me back. "Th-Thank you." I sobbed. "Thank you so much." I said as he rubbed my back.


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