-Chapter 3-

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[Betty's POV]

    I was awaken by the sound of Jughead's snoring. "Ugh, I didn't sleep well last night." I complained, rubbing my eyes furiously. I didn't realize Jughead had stopped snoring before I said that. "Why?" He asked in a sleepy tone. His reply took me by surprise, causing me to jump a little. I sigh as I look at him. "Because of your presence." I replied, rolling my eyes. "Wow." He said sarcastically, shifting his position to face away from me. "..you know, you're not a great roommate yourself." He says, still facing away. 

     "Oh yeah? What have I done wrong?" I ask in confidence. "Let's see..you're a brat, it's barely been a day and you're already complaining about the littlest things, and did I mention that you were a brat?" He bursts, facing me from his mattress. "At least I don't snore!" I shout back, crossing my arms as I sit up. "Okay, so what if I snore? Almost everybody does it." I ask in anger. "The dif-" I say, but I get cut off by the knock on the door. "That's them." I sigh, reaching for my hair tie.

     "So..how was your first night?" Veronica asked with a smile plastered on her face the moment I opened the door. "You don't wanna know." Jughead says, standing up from his mattress. "We can literally hear your arguments from downstairs." Archie complains, appearing out of nowhere. "Archie!" Veronica says, nudging him. "What? It's true!" He replied, rubbing his arm. "Can we just move on and eat breakfast?" I say, moving past the couple and heading towards the kitchen. "Someone's moody." I hear Jughead scoff. 

     "Betty!" Veronica shouts, following me. "We're actually gonna eat out for breakfast today." She says as she catches up to me. "Fine then, let's go." I sigh. We walked going to the place since it was pretty near.

     "Arch and I planned to take you guys here since it sorta looks like Pop's." Veronica says as we enter the diner. It kinda does, actually. Sitting in one of the booths, we ordered our food.

     "By the way, we're sorry if we don't really go anywhere this week." Archie says out of nowhere. "Our main focus was to make you guys friends, so we didn't really plan anything." He added. "Sorry about that." Veronica says, looking at us apologetically. "Wait- what?" I replied. 

Friends, huh? Good luck with that. 

     "Here's your food, sir." The waiter says, serving the last order that we were waiting for- Jughead's. I try to mind my own business, when suddenly, I hear something probably worse than Jughead's snoring. Gobbling up his meal, I glare at the beanie wearing annoyance. 

     "What?" He says with his mouth still full, noticing my eyes staring right into his soul. "Your chewing sounds annoy me" I complain. He then proceeds to chew louder, making sure I hear every single bite. I roll my eyes, facing away from him.


~Thanks for reading~

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