-Chapter 14-

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[Betty's POV]

     As Archie's car disappeared from my view, I carried my luggage to go to where I was planning to stay for a while until I can find an actual home to stay in.

Yes, I had lied to Jughead.

     It's not the wisest idea, but I planned to stay at the bus stop's bench. It's the only place I could stay in without people questioning. People would just think I'm waiting for the bus. Riverdale's a small town, and not a lot of people use the bus during the night, so I'm hoping I could sleep there. 

     As I neared the area, the sun started to set. Sighing, I dropped my bag on the side and sat there, looking around. My eyes widen as the realization hit me- I didn't think this through. I barely have any money for food, considering I spent a lot during our road trip. Panicking, I started to cry. I was helpless. Why was I so stupid to think I'd be able to survive living on a bench?

     The sun had fully set, and my anxiety shot up to the sky. Grabbing my phone, I decided to give Jughead a call and finally tell him what's going on. As soon as I reached his name on my list of contacts, my phone's screen turned pitch black. 

My phone died.

     "No..." I whisper to myself. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, it started raining. Tears mixed with the rain as I couldn't find any place to take cover. I just sat there, shivering, not knowing what to do. I stared at my bag. Water seeped into the tiniest holes, wetting all of my clothes.

     I laid down on the cold bench, awaiting the rain to subside. I didn't care anymore. My life is a complete mess. I'm homeless, my family doesn't love me, and I lied to the only bunch I trusted. 

[Jughead's POV]

     On the car ride going home, I gave Betty my number just incase she needed help with her new place. I shouldn't be expecting anything, but I still waited. 

Waited for a non-existent phone call.

     It was nearing midnight, and I had a strange feeling at the pit of my stomach. She's probably doing fine, but why am I so worried? I decided to call her to check on her. Clicking the call button, I waited. There was no response. I tried again, but it gave me the same result. 

     My worry for her increased, so I decided to call her best friend. "Hey Ronnie, has Betty talked to you or anything?" I asked, scratching my nape with my free hand. 

     "No, why? Is there something wrong?" She questioned in reply. I knew it was wrong to tell her Betty's secret, so I kept it under wraps. "Oh- no, it's just that she hasn't answered any of my calls." I explained, leaning against the couch.

     "Maybe she fell asleep, I don't know..." She suggested, yawning. "Y-Yeah." I said, unconvinced. Something's wrong, and I can feel it. Or maybe I'm the one who's wrong. Maybe I'm just paranoid. I ended the call, saying goodnight as I removed my crown beanie. I stared at the hat as my fingers fiddled with it.

Yeah, maybe I'm just paranoid. 


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked this chapter~

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