-Chapter 4-

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[Jughead's POV]

     "Since we don't have any plans, I found this cool looking club near here online." Veronica says, noticing the tension between Betty and I. "That sounds fun" Archie adds. "It is. C'mon, guys! We'll go back to our cabin to prep. You guys better be ready before 4pm." Veronica replied, standing up. "Fine, if it'll somehow get her away from me." I say, looking at Betty as she glares at me. I absolutely hate clubs, but this is worth a shot..hopefully. 

     We walked back to the cabin a few minutes later. The girls started doing their thing and did their makeup and hair while Archie and I waited. 

     "Wow, Ronnie..you look amazing." Archie complimented. "Aw, thank you, Archiekins." Ronnie smiled back at him. They make me cringe sometimes. As Betty walked out of our room, I was surprised to see her hair down. She rarely ever does that. She should do it more often, though. It makes her look less as ugly as her personality. I did see her without her hair up before bed, but this was different. Her blonde locks were curled on the end, and they were rested right below her shoulders. 

     "Let's get going!" Ronnie exclaimed, pulling me out from my thoughts. The car ride to the place consisted of Ronnie raving about how cool it looked. Once we arrived, both Archie and Veronica went straight to the dance floor.

     The club was filled with drunk, half naked people. Lights were flashing from every corner of the room, and there was music blasting from the back. It was disgusting, really. Way more disgusting than the person sitting across from me. I expected her to party along with them, hence why I agreed to this thing; to get away from her. 

     "Parties aren't really your thing either, huh?" Betty voiced. "I guess that's one thing we have in common." She added. "I guess." I replied, rolling my eyes. "Why did you agree to this thing anyway?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "..why did you?" I asked.

     I told her the reason why I came along. Besides, we wouldn't have a choice to go or not anyway, right?  Her reason was pretty much the same, along with Veronica talking her into going. After that, we discussed how much we both despised parties. 

     "What's taking them so long?" I complained as we got to the subject of Archie and Veronica bringing us here. "Trust me, knowing them, you wouldn't want to know." She says with a slight chuckle. If I were to guess, they must be smooching away in some private place in this building. "Can't we just go back to the hotel?" I whined impatiently. All I want to do right now is to lay in bed. "Well, I surprisingly hate parties more than I hate you, so.."


     "Let's go. It's not too  far from here anyway." She continued. "I'll text them." I replied, reaching for my phone to contact the two lovebirds. 

     Our walk back to the cabin was silent. It was very awkward, too. Both of us didn't bother to break the silence. As we reached our destination, we headed straight to our bedroom.


     "I hope they don't get mad at us." I said as I settled in bed, worrying about the fact that they haven't texted back. I laid in silence, waiting for a reply from the blonde. She must have been exhausted, because I turned to face her bed, and-

"Oh, you're asleep." I sigh as I adjust my position and try to sleep as well.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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