-Chapter 10-

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[Jughead's POV]

     As I opened the door to our room, I heard sniffling. "Oh- sorry, I can go if you want." I spoke, noticing Betty crying yet again with her back facing me. She then turned around, teary eyes meeting mine.

     "No, it's fine." She replied, wiping a tear using her sleeve. "I-I've been thinking, and I'll tell you...about everything." With that, I nodded and closed the door behind me "Before I do, can I trust you?" She asked with a sad smile. Funny how a few days ago we couldn't even talk to each other, and now she's about to tell me something probably no one else knows about. "Of course." I assured.

     "Okay. It's my family..." She sighed. "...we've had some issues for quite a while now. My mom...she-she isn't the perfect mom everyone thinks she is." I frowned at her words. "I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get away, so I decided to come to this trip."

So that's why she took so long getting to Pop's when we were leaving. She must've snuck out.

     "My mom didn't know I was here, but eventually, she found out." She took a deep breath. "That-That call you witnessed a few days ago..." She trailed off, her eyes starting to swell with tears once more. "...she was kicking me out of our house, Jug." She said, raising her arms up. "And I'm sorry." She looked at me in the eyes with sincerity. "I'm sorry because I let out a lot of anger on you." She faced down to her feet. "I really am." She finished, covering her face with her hands.

     "Betty." I pause. "I'm so sorry." I say sincerely. "I didn't know you were going through so much." I walked closer to her. "You know what? It's their loss they kicked you out." I encouraged. "They just kicked out a huge part of their lives. You may be a brat sometimes, but you're the strongest, most outgoing person I know." I say truthfully. We may not have been friends in the past, but I see her daily at school. I would always see her hanging out with friends, never alone. She would be respected by many for being so kind and understanding. She would get good grades all the time. She was a cheerleader, too. She was perfect, or so I thought. That's probably why I hated her so much.

     "Under all of that anger is a ray of sunshine brightening up everyone's days. They'll regret making you leave, and I mean it." I say, grabbing a hold of her shoulder. At that sudden physical contact, I felt a spark. I don't really know how to explain it, but I did. I chose to ignore it. "Also," I pause as she looks at me. "I-I forgive you." I spoke, giving her shoulder a tight squeeze.

     "Thank you, Juggie." She sniffled. "Come here." I smiled, bringing her into a warm embrace. I let her cry on the crook of my neck as I rubbed her back in comfort.


Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it~

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