-Chapter 22-

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[Jughead's POV}

     On our way back to the trailer, we passed by Betty's house. Glancing at a window, I saw Betty's family. They were laughing about something someone had said. It looked like they weren't bothered by anything at all, like their perfect facade was kept even when they think no none's watching. 

     I couldn't bring myself to look at Betty. I didn't want to see her sad. Instead, I squeezed her hand tighter, and proceeded to walk home. Betty was quiet the whole way back. It felt as if the dinner with Veronica and Archie never happened. 

     Finally, I stopped to observe the beautiful girl beside me as we entered the trailer. By the looks of it, she was thinking hard. We both sat on the couch, not uttering a single word as we stared at the black screen of the turned off television. 

     I moved my hand to rest it on her shoulder. "You okay?" I voiced in concern as I gaze into her emerald eyes. 

     She stared back at me for a little while before answering. "My parents..." She looked down at her knees. "they looked so happy." She said, looking back up. For a moment, a short and painful moment, she looked sad. Just then, the tiniest smile formed on her lips, making me confused.

     "It hurts to think that my parents are better off without me, but then I realized," Her smile grew, making my heart flutter knowing that she's happy with whatever she was going to say. "I'm happier here with you." She finished, making me return her smile.

She's happy.

     She's happy because of me, and I am more than grateful to be part of the cause of that heart-stopping smile of hers. I stared at her, a full smile now plastered on my face.

     I stayed silent, admiring her beauty. Slowly, I leaned in, making our two lips meet. Deeper our kiss went, and soon enough, she was sitting on my lap. The whole night, what Betty said stayed in my head, and that sentence alone, the fact that she's happy makes me happy.


Thank you for reading this chapter!

Sorry it's quite short--

But anyway, get ready for some drama on the upcoming chapters!

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