-Chapter 26-

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[Betty's POV]

     "So, how's it going with Jughead?" Kevin says with a smirk as we walk down the school hall. I grinned, thinking of my boyfriend. 

     "It's been great, actually. He's so sweet and kind." I smile to myself, looking down. "He's also very supportive." I looked up at him. "And-" I add, but I get interrupted.

     "Okay, Betty, stop." He raised his hand. "Your cuteness will be the death of me." He chuckled, making me do the same as we continued to walk to the school's office. I was called to go there because apparently, someone dropped off something for me. 

     Entering the room, we were met with this beautiful bouquet of colorful flowers. My jaw drops at its beauty as Kevin runs to it, screaming an "Oh, my god!"

     "Is this from Jughead?" He questions, picking up the card attached to it. His smile quickly disappeared, making me confused as I inched closer to have a good look at it. "Oh," He sighed. "it's from Veronica." He added in disappointment. "Oh." I said, dropping my smile.  

     "Hey! I see you guys have seen my flowers." A cheerful raven haired girl beamed. "I also got some cupcakes if you want." She said, showing off the box on her hands. She sighed as she observed our stoic expressions. "I'm so sorry.." Her sad eyes met mine. "for everything."

     "For siding with your mom and for arguing with Jughead." She added specifically. "I-I just hope you can forgive me." She said genuinely. 

     I gave a tiny smile, realizing that I could never hate my best friend, and I should let this go. "It's alright, V." 

     "What?" She blinked, her mouth gapping. "Really?" She smiled. "Yeah." I replied, my smile widening. 

     "Thank you so much! I won't let you down again, I promise!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly. I chuckled, hugging her back. "Thanks for the flowers and cupcakes as well."

     As we pulled away from our hug, I got distracted by some chewing sounds. "What-" I turned around, facing Kevin with a mouthful of dark chocolate crumbs. "Kevin!" I shout, snatching the box of cupcakes from him. "How did you-" Veronica asks.

     "You dropped it when you hugged Betty, so.." He interrupted, shrugging. We both stare at him unbelievably. "What?" He wiped off the crumbs around his lips. "I'm hungry."

     There was a pause of silence until we all broke into hysterical laughter. "C'mon, let's finish these at the cafeteria." I said, taking the lead. 


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