-Chapter 23-

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[Betty's POV]

     "Just in time! We were just talking about the newbie couple." Veronica exclaimed as both Jughead and I entered the student's lounge the next day. I smiled, until my eyes landed on Kevin. 

     "Why didn't you guys tell me sooner?" Kevin asked, smiling. I just stared at him with my mouth hung open, not knowing what to say.

     "You guys told Kevin?" Jughead said irritably. "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you that we told him." Archie replied, brushing off the anger in his best friend's voice. 

     "I'm sorry about what happened to you, Betty." Kevin gave me a sympathetic look, not seeming to mind the tension. I pressed my lips together, giving him a tiny half grin. "You told him without our consent." Jughead voiced, ignoring what just happened. "I mean, you didn't tell us to not tell anyone else anyway." The redhead argued.

     "Yeah, but it's not your secret to tell. Do you know how difficult it was for Betty to finally open up to you guys about this?" Jughead bit back. I looked down at my lap, hoping this argument  would just miraculously stop if I looked away. What Jughead said was right, though. It was hard, and I didn't want anyone else to know about this. Not yet. "We told you guys because we trusted you to keep this sort of information." He continued.

     "Okay, chill, bro." Archie replied, irritated as well. "Arch, he's right," Veronica voiced. "we shouldn't have done what we did." She added, placing a hand on her boyfriend's lap. "Betty, we're so sorry. We had no right to do such a thing. I hope you can forgive us." She said sincerely with a frown. "Y-Yeah, I'm sorry, Betty." Archie added. 

     Jughead looked at me, concern mixed with anger was evident on his face. "It's okay," I breathed. "I forgive you guys." I grinned at them, giving Jughead a reassuring glance. "Besides," I looked at Kevin, who looked quite nervous because of what he had witnessed. "I trust you, Kev." I smiled at him. He sighed, giving a smile of relief back.


[Veronica's POV]

     After a long day of school, I decided to drop by the Blue and Gold office to check on Betty. What Archie and I did was wrong, and even though she has already forgiven us, I want to make sure she's okay.  

     Entering the room, I was expecting to see a certain blonde ponytail along with a pale pink sweater. Instead, I was met with the same blonde hair, but the person was taller, much like an adult. The stranger turned around due to the sound of the door opening, revealing who she was.

     "Oh hello, Veronica." She greeted with a smile plastered on her face. I stood there for a while, trying to process what was happening until I found the urge to speak. 

"Mrs. Cooper?"


~Thank you for reading this chapter~

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