-Chapter 6-

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[Jughead's POV]

    To be completely honest, the breakfast Betty made wasn't that bad. I walked out of our room to apologize, but a sob from the kitchen stopped me on my tracks. I went ahead and peeked a little to see Betty crying. She appears to be in a phone call with someone. I'm not quite sure who, though. I turned away, not listening because I didn't want to be rude and eavesdrop. Once their conversation ended, I walked into the kitchen.

     "First of all, the breakfast you made was pretty okay." I pause. "Second of all, what's with that heated conversation?" Her eyes widened as I said those words. "Did you hear anything?" She questioned in panic. "No, but you looked mad...and sad." I stated with worry. Never have I thought I'd ever worry about this girl. "It-It was nothing." She replied, furrowing her eyebrows. I'm sure she was lying, but I decided to let it go for now.

     She stood up and went straight to our room without saying another word. I went to the living room to give her some space. Soon enough, I heard heels clicking against the wooden floor.

     "Jughead, hey!" Veronica cheered. "Archie and I found this garden nearby, and we thought we'd go there as our activity for today." She added with a smile. "Oh, okay. I'll go and tell Betty." I replied with a grin. I snuck up to our door and knocked lightly to let her know I was entering.

     "What do you want?" She snaps, facing away from me. I could tell she's been crying with the sound of her voice. "What? It's our room, I can enter any time I want." I said, closing the door shut "Ronnie also mentioned that we're going to some garden in a few." I added. "Oh, o-okay." She paused. "By the way, not a single word about earlier today." She warned, meeting me eye to eye. "My lips are sealed, although I really don't know much about what happened." I replied. "And it will stay that way." She pointed at me daringly. "Yes, ma'am" I said, saluting playfully. She snickered at my reply and started fixing herself up. 

     The drive there was pretty silent. Usually, Betty and Veronica would be laughing hysterically at a corny joke Archie made, but the mood was off today. I'm assuming Veronica knew Betty wasn't in her usual bubbly mood, because she didn't do anything to break the silence. The only time she spoke was when we arrived. 

     "We're here!" She exclaimed, stepping out of the car. I gotta say, the place really was beautiful. The entrance had these leaves shaped like an arch and a rock path. Walking in, you'll see an array of colorful trees and flowers. There were also some benches on the side which apparently, where you'll find Betty. 

     "Hey." I say, sitting beside her. "Don't you wanna go around and admire the beauty of this place?" I questioned. "I can ask you the same thing." She stated with no emotions. "Well, I just came here to check on you. You've been down the whole day." I explained. "Wow, Jughead Jones is worried about me? I never thought I'd see the day." She chuckled, but I could sense that she was still sad inside. I laughed along, "Don't push it."

     "So, do you wanna go around the place or just sit here, alone, just staring off into the distance?" I ask, trying to make her stand up. "Ugh, fine!" She rolled her eyes jokingly. "Good choice." I said, walking away, making sure she's following close behind. 

     "Isn't this place stunning?" Veronica says, running up to us. "Yeah, It is." Betty replied with a smile. "Are you good, B? You were off earlier." She asked with concern. "I'm fine." She said with a fake smile. "Okay then. C'mon, I'll show you around." She said, linking their arms as they walked away. Veronica glared at me on the way. I'm guessing she thought it was my fault Betty was and still is sad. I gave her a puzzled look in return and continued looking around the garden.

     "Hey, man." Archie said from behind. "Oh, Hi. Where were you?" I asked, noticing I haven't seen him around here until now. "Not too far behind...I saw you with Betty." He mentioned with a smirk. "It's not what you think. I still do dislike her, but I guess things are cooling down between us." I explained. "Whatever you say, Jug." He snickered. I rolled my eyes at his remark.


Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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