-Chapter 11-

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[Betty's POV]

     Today, we didn't have anything planned. We all just stayed in the cabin, minding our own businesses. Everyone was outside their rooms but me. I just sat there on my bed, thinking.

     Yesterday, I had opened up about what I've been going through to someone I used to ignore. Someone I despised. I don't quite know why, but it felt right trusting him. It was as if I had shared many more secrets to him before. Something about him is just different. A good kind of different. A kind of different that made me trust him even though we've only been close for a few days. Sometimes, I wish I knew Jughead better before I started judging him. Taking out all of my anger on someone I didn't know well. How stupid of me, right? I mean yeah, he's been pretty unkind to me as well, which gives me a motive to dislike him, but it's still confusing, even to myself, that my hate towards him was built upon matters that don't even involve him. I guess now, I've learned my lesson.

     A mix of emotions- that's what I'm feeling right now. Pain, guilt, sadness, regret, and panic all balled up inside my head. Then there's that tiny hint of happiness. Happiness because of this road trip. Happiness because of a new found friend. Ah, that beanie wearing idiot. It's a shame we had only been close now. 

     As all of these emotions sink in, I find myself pacing around our room yet again, tears threatening to spill from of my eyes. As the door started to open, I already knew who it was. "I don't know anymore, Jug." I shrug, pursing my lips. "There's only two days left until we all head back home. I have nowhere to go." I panic as tears stream down my face.

     "Do you want to tell Archie and Veronica about this so that we can plan things out?" He suggested. "We'll be able to get you a home sooner if so."

     "No, I can't. I don't want them to worry about me. I don't want to be a burden to them." I paused, looking down. "And to you." I sigh, sitting down. "Hey, you're not a burden, Betty." He replied, sitting next to me. "Look, I know we haven't been in good terms for a while, but I'm here for you." He said, putting his arm around me. "No matter what, I promise that things will get better." He continued. "We're gonna find a way, okay?" He said, shaking my shoulder briefly. 

And in that moment, despite all the pain and anxiety that I was feeling,

I smiled.



Thank you for reading this chapter! Sorry it took quite a while.

I know it's pretty short (Like most of the chapters lol), but I don't know--

it just doesn't feel right to add more.

On that note, I hope you liked it!

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