-Chapter 9-

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[Betty's POV]

     The next morning, both Jughead and I woke up early. "Hey." Jughead says. "If you're gonna ask me abou-" I start, but as if he were reading my mind, he interrupts me. "Don't worry, I'm not."

     "Then what is it?" I asked, signaling him to continue. "I was just going to ask if you'd like to go to that diner nearby. You know- since Archie and Veronica are still asleep." He says, playing with the hair that was exposed from his beanie. "Oh." I smile to myself. "Y-Yeah, sure." I added, tying my hair to the usual ponytail. 

     "We should get them some takeout food." I mentioned as we exited the cabin. "Yeah, we will." He replied. "So..." I pause. "Why did you ask me to come with you?" I say, not looking at him. "No reason." He said looking at me. He then smirks. "If you think this is a date, don't get your hopes up." He chuckled. "Hopes up? Oh please, That would be a nightmare!" I laugh along with him. Our walk to the place was fun. We had a few hilarious remarks and moments of comfortable silence. 

     "After you, ma'am." Jughead said with a British accent. "A gentleman are we, now?" I replied with the same accent, trying not to burst into laughter so I don't ruin the joke. Not long after, he started laughing. "You suck at this." He said, walking in. "Have you listened to yourself? You're just as bad." I replied, making my way to the counter. "Four burgers, a vanilla milkshake, and..." I stop, waiting for Jughead to finish my sentence. "...a strawberry milkshake. Make that five burgers, please. Oh, and all is for takeout." He says, handing the payment. "Five?" I wondered. "One burger won't be enough for me." I scoff at his comment. "Okay then. Should we get V and Arch a milkshake too?" I asked. "Nah, it'll melt on the way." He said. "Oh, right." I replied.

     "Please, take a seat. The burgers will take a while." The man on the counter said. As we both took a seat, Jughead looked like he was thinking. Of course, I wouldn't know what he was thinking about, but he looked serious. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. "Look, I know this is out of nowhere, and that you hate talking about this..." Right then and there, I knew what he was going to talk about. "Please don-" I try to say, but he interrupts me. "..but if you need to get something off your chest, or if you need help, I- we're here" He finishes. I didn't know what to say. All I did was stare at his green eyes, but it was as if we were communicating in the process. He looked at me with sympathy and understanding, and I looked at him sadly, but at the same time I was thankful. "I-I'm sorry for bringing that up. I shouldn't have-" He said, breaking the silence. "No, it's okay. Thank you." I assured him with a smile.

     "Here's your order, Sir!" The waiter said cheerfully. "Thanks." Jughead replied. "So...should we head back to give the couple food or should we go ahead and eat first?" He asked, taking his first burger. "Let's eat first." I smirk. 

     After a while, we went on our way back to the cabin. Going in, we saw Archie and Veronica now awake, conversing. "H-Hey, guys." I said as they looked at us with matching smirks. "So, what did you guys do?" Archie voiced. "Yeah...what did you guys do?" Veronica echoed, wiggling her eyebrows. "I sense two people getting close." She added. 

     "Really, now?" Jughead furrowed his eyebrows. "We didn't do anything. We just got food." I explained. "Okay, fine. At least you didn't deny getting closer." Veronica replied, making Archie laugh. I looked down at my feet awkwardly. "Anyway, here's the food." Jughead says, ignoring her comment. "Thanks, guys." Ronnie thanked, taking the burgers. 


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