-Chapter 16-

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[Betty's POV]

     I woke up not wanting to open my eyes. My head was throbbing, and it was cold despite the blanket that seemed to be covering me.


     I shifted from my position, and I had come to the realization that I'm going crazy because I seem to be lying on a bed. I still kept my eyes shut, not wanting to face reality. I waited for ten minutes, and nothing has changed. I'm still laying on a soft cushion, covered with a blanket. I decided to slightly open my eyes to see what was going on. 

     Squinting, I was met with a ceiling. Blinking multiple times, I opened my eyes properly. The ceiling was still there. What  is this- some type of hallucination? I slowly sat up, making my headache worse as I looked at my surroundings. 

     "Where am I?" I whisper to myself. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of this somewhat fantasy, but nothing seemed to budge. I was really inside a room. I lazily got out of the bed and walked towards the door. Slowly, I reached for the doorknob...


     What if I was kidnapped? What if there was a random stranger outside, prepared to kill me once I wake up? But then again, I wouldn't be comfortably sleeping on a bed if that was the case. I then decided to gently open the door.

     "H-Hello?" I said, noticing an open laptop on a couch. I couldn't see anyone around, though. Just then, a raven haired boy came out from behind a wall that covered the other side of the room with a beanie in hand. 

     "Oh!" He exclaimed, jumping a little. "You're awake." He smiled. "How are you feeling?" He added, fixing his hair with his free hand.  

     "Jughead?" I said in shock, forgetting his question. I walk closer to him. "How did I..." I trailed off, looking around. 

     "I found you sleeping on the bench of the bus stop." He sighed. "You were burning up, so I brought you here."

     "Oh." I breathed, looking down at my feet to hide my tiny smile. As I looked back up, I felt dizzy, and my head started to ache more.

    "You can rest more if you want." He said, inching closer with a worried frown. "Th-Thank you, Jug." I smiled shyly, feeling myself get tired. "No problem," He replied with a smile of his own. "The bathroom is to the left if you ever need it, by the way." He added, glancing at a white door.

     "Oh, okay." I said walking to the door. "I'll just fix myself up." I grinned, entering the bathroom. Turning the lights on, I looked at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were red. Have I been blushing this whole time? Maybe it was just the sickness...


Thank you for reading this chapter! Sorry it took a while~

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