-Chapter 19-

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[Betty's POV]

          I smiled a little, looking down at the shirt Jughead lent me. All of my clothes were soiled because of the rain. I went outside to help Jughead out with hanging my clothes. We both decided to clean and fix everything up since I'm staying over. 

     "And...done." He smiled proudly as he hung my last sweater. I chuckled, walking up to him. "Thank you for helping me with all of this today." I blushed. "Actually, thank you for everything. I can't thank you enough." I said, clutching the sides of his "S" t-shirt that I'm wearing. "No problem." He smiled, wiping his hands dry. We made it back inside the trailer, and I stop walking as he closes the door. 

     "And...I'm sorry." I looked down at my feet. "Why?" He gave me a quizzical look. "Because I might be an addition to your problems."

     "No, you're not." He said, grabbing my hand. "I don't care if it's going to be hard. I care about you, Betty." He gave my hand a light squeeze.

     "You have no idea how many times I've said this to myself, but I'm so glad I went to that trip with you guys. None of this would have happened if I didn't." I stare at his beautiful eyes. "It's funny..." I chuckle lightly, slowly getting lost in those orbs of green. "How we despised the thought of being roommates or just being near each other."

     "And now," I look around the trailer with content. "I guess we're roommates once again." He chuckled in reply.

     "And..." I slowly cup his cheeks. "I don't regret anything." I say in a whisper, inching closer to him as our lips meet. 

     As we gradually broke apart, I was met with that goofy smile of his. "I guess I should hold your hand more. We seem to kiss every time I do it." He laughed as I raised my eyebrow. 

"Oh, shut up." I laughed along, cupping his face once more for yet another kiss.


Thanks for reading this chapter! This isn't the end, folks. Stay tuned~

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