-Chapter 21-

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[Betty's POV]

      After school, I met up with Jughead at the Blue and Gold. "Jug, I've been thinking, and," I took a step closer to him. "maybe it's time to let Archie and Ronnie know about my family issue." I continued, fiddling with my fingers. "And you know- us." I added, smiling. "Are you okay with that?" I asked.

     "Of course, Betts." He smiled back. "I'm so proud you're starting to open up to them." He added. "I wouldn't have had the courage to if it wasn't for you." I beamed at him, picking my phone up to text Veronica. "So, Pop's at 8?" I raised an eyebrow. "I'll go tell Archie." He winked, leaving the room.


     Both Jughead and I arrived at Pop's earlier than the said time to save a booth. We were both seated at the same side. As 8 o'clock was nearing, my heart started to beat faster. My palms were sweating, and I couldn't seem to breathe properly. Jughead seemed to notice, because he soon intertwined his hand with mine. "Hey, you don't have to do this if you aren't ready yet." He  frowned. 

     "N-No, I'm ready. I'm just really, really scared. What if they make fun of me? What if- What if they somehow use this against me?" I squeezed his hand. 

     "They won't. It's gonna be fine, Betts. They care about you. And if they dare do that to you, they'd have to face me." I chuckle at the last part. What did I do to deserve him? I leaned my head against his shoulder, calming down a bit. 

     Soon, the bell hung on the door rang, alarming us that someone has arrived. "Hey, B! Hey, Jug!" Veronica exclaimed, running up to us enthusiastically. Archie followed behind her with a big smile on his face. "Hey, guys."

     "Hi." Jughead and I said at the same time, causing us to chuckle. "So," Veronica sat down with Archie, "What's up?" She said, tapping her fingers against the table. I glanced at Jughead worriedly, and he squeezed my hand in comfort. I sighed, preparing myself to tell them everything.

     After telling them about my problem with my family, they both stared at me with sad eyes until Ronnie broke the silence. "Oh, my god. I'm so sorry, B. I didn't know your mom was capable of doing that."  She frowned, looking down at the table. 

     "I-It's fine." I replied. "Where have you been staying?" Archie asked in concern. "If you need a place to stay in, you can stay at my place." Veronica added. I glanced at Jughead, realizing I haven't told them that part of the story yet.

     "Oh, she-she's currently staying at my trailer." He said, putting his arm around me. The couple in front of us looked at each other, then smirked. 

     "Is there something you haven't told us?" Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow. I leaned closer to Jughead, "Jug and I are..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence when Veronica interrupted me.

     "Together? I knew it!" She exclaimed, clapping. Archie, Jughead and I laughed at her response. 

     "I'm happy for you guys." Archie smiled. "Especially you, Jug, I never thought you'd ever get a girl." He said jokingly. "Wow, thanks for the support, Arch." Jughead replied sarcastically, laughing along.

     We spent the rest of our night laughing at each other's jokes, and talking about the most random things, with occasional teasing from V and Arch. 


     Thank you for reading this chapter!


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