Part 20 - A little sojourn

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How wonderful it is to be away from London and paparazzi scrutiny for a few days – normally, we seem to get photographed every time we leave the dance studio to grab coffee or lunch. It has been so much more relaxing going to Hull and then finally arriving here. The home of dancing. This town is full of people that just adore dancing. I think I'll fit right in, I've completely fallen in love with dancing. Apparently the intrusion at Blackpool is more carefully controlled, and photos are generally only taken outside of the ballroom or sometimes there's the odd fan photograph in the hotel lobby – most of the hotel is booked out for Strictly anyway. There can be issues if you go out on the town – last year, Gorka reportedly had problems at a club, but still, no photos emerged. Whatever happens in Blackpool seems to stay in Blackpool. This makes me far more excited than it should. He said this weekend he's going to make me fly...I bet I could make him fly too, at least figuratively speaking.

He loves it here – I think a part of him misses the dancing competitions, even though I know he adores working on Strictly. This place seems to be a part of him. And the Tower Ballroom...what a building that is! He led me in and my eyes were drawn up, scanning the ceiling, amazed at the décor and details. How can a building be so awe-inspiring? When my focus came back down I found he was staring at me, watching my reaction to the mesmerising surroundings. We shared a goofy grin. This weekend is going to be a captivating experience, one I honestly believed I would miss out on, and yet here we are – together.

It seriously feels like we are on a holiday. A little sojourn from the norm. The catering here is unbelievable. Sooooooo much cake. And whipped cream. All the naughty food. And, because it feels like we're on holiday, we decided we would eat extra cake – three slices between us. Best do that today – not on the show day, not with all the lifts and spins in this routine. Oh, and then we did the cheekiest instastories of us spraying cream into each other's mouths – we would never do that in London. Of course, he managed to get the spray cream all over my face. It was hysterical, but I decided to delete the stories really quickly – it would lead to way too much innuendo. I dread to think of the dodgy headlines that could be made up relating to that incident!

We are through with rehearsals for the day – I got to try the flying which was amazing, if somewhat scary. It will look amazing at the end of our routine. AJ told me he is taking me out somewhere this evening, so, as you obviously know, I am freshening up my make-up before I meet him. I wonder what he has planned. He just told me I would love it. You look hot, Mirror-Mollie. Hope he appreciates it!

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