Part 24 - Sunshine on a rainy day

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The smile I see reflected in the window is pure sunshine. It is a stark contrast to the drizzly, dreary London panorama beyond the glass. I don't mind the rain – it seems fitting for the song we are dancing to this week. To be honest, I don't mind anything at the moment. I am too happy to care. The warmth of my smile grows as I think back to that magical weekend...

Whilst in his bathroom, I had decided it might be best if I left him a note to say I'd gone back to my own room to avoid being seen. But when I returned to the main room, he was wide awake. We shared a smile and he pulled me into a hug. What had I even been worrying about? This was us. We would figure it out between us. I dared myself to say those words. To make sure he understood that this meant everything to me. But, as with so many things, he was quicker than me. I followed his lead without missing a heartbeat. Well, there was no way I was going to sneak off back to my own room after a moment like that, was there? Why waste second of this magical night?

As the first rays of dawn were arcing in the sky, we had decided that I should go back to my own room. He wasn't going to let me go on my own. It was early, most people would be fast asleep nursing epic hangovers, the hotel corridors should have been clear. We hadn't considered the party animals returning from a late night club who tumbled out of the lift just as we left his room. There was a moment of stunned silence from all of us before one of them said, "Come on then, pay up. I told you they'd do it at Blackpool!" followed by shrieks, whoops and laughter from the others in the group as they rushed forward to hug us both. From the drunken ramblings of a congratulatory nature, I became aware that pretty much everyone on the team had been willing us to get together.

And now, it's quickstep time. I am so pleased to have another ballroom dance, but it also seems to be living up to its name, and we know how hard I have to work to take things on board. But I am not going to complain – two weeks ago I didn't think I had a chance of making it to week 10, so I am grabbing this opportunity with both hands.  

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