Part 28 - The dance of love

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Oh, AJ. I can't even blame you for this one. I tried to, but I can't. Our dance for musicals week is the rumba – the dance of love. Really? After the "kiss kiss" comments? But it makes sense to pick this dance. There are only so many dances left and as long as I don't have to do the samba, I'm happy. I know that one won't suit me.

I get the feeling something has unsettled AJ – something to do with the dance. Not me. I know it's not me. But there's something. I can't put my finger on it.

We worked on some rumba basics today. Now, keeping in mind that Alexandra struggled with this dance last week and ended up in the dance off, I'm not really feeling that confident, but then I didn't expect to get here, so I'll take what I can get. And AJ teaching me to wiggle my hips is an experience I will never forget! His hips move in a way that is truly hypnotic. It is incredibly distracting. And somehow I have to try to match his standard. That's why I'm here, practising my rumba walks towards the mirror in slow motion and looking like the biggest dork to ever make the quarter finals of Strictly.

He said that this dance is for us, but it will also be for our fans. I am so on board with that. Our fans have been amazing – they have got us this far. They've helped us to make Strictly history – the first couple to be in two back-to-back dance offs and then stay in for the next three weeks. Let's face it, that is all down to the fans – we've never been near the top of the leaderboard.

I haven't heard the song yet, he said it was important to get the basics in place before we put it to music. I guess that makes sense – there's a lot of stillness to the rumba, apparently, and it's very important to only move on the correct beats. Maybe he's worried about my right shoulder moving of its own accord again, I've done that before when I've got into the music.

Oh, I've just spotted him filming me doing these walks, I'd better make a silly face or something. 

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