Part 31 - I'm an eight!

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Speaking of friends, which seems to be my word of the week, I look like Ross from Friends when he messes up getting a spray tan and he's an eight! I'm an eight! I am soooooo brown right now. It's fine, it'll wash right off and look beautiful tomorrow. The hotel must have real trouble with tan stains on the bed-sheets during Strictly season.

I don't get how AJ can still look so attractive with a ridiculous fake tan. It just isn't fair. Again, we have had so much fun today...we've got to lip sync to 'You're the one that I want' from Grease. I'll pretend I didn't notice his shoulder shimmer on the line, "You need a man." We've been to see Zoe, which is always our favourite interview of the week – she knows exactly what it is like to be on the show and she is so supportive. We even got to show off the heel-slide move that I messed up on Saturday, and I won't pretend I didn't get a thrill out of him holding on to me back to our seats. He's such a gentleman.

Tomorrow night will probably be my last night on Strictly. I'm not sad. It's the quarter-finals, I get to be Sandy to the most wonderful Danny Zuko, it's only two weeks until the finals when we will all be back together. It's a whole lot further than I ever thought we would get. Heaven knows it's a world away from where we were at Halloween. I just want to enjoy it. To savour it. AJ says that's the most important thing. Just enjoy it.

Sometimes I wish I could just pause everything, soak up the atmosphere, the sights, the feelings. It all ends. Everything moves on. All of life is a fleeting snapshot. But this is the best picture I've ever seen. 

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