Part 22 - Gonna let my hair down

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Oh, look at you, you're still buzzing! You are one very happy reflection right now, albeit a much more realistic than the magical vision I saw a few hours ago. That was, without a doubt the best night of my life, ever. And it isn't over yet – there's the annual Strictly Blackpool party now. It's Gemma and Janette's birthdays so I think this could end up being a messy night. Rumour has it that in past years there have been a few sultry shenanigans happening at the Blackpool party. Not that I'm implying anything. But tonight, in the words of a song dear to my heart, I'm gonna let my hair down.

I smile at my joy. What an emotional evening that was! I opened the show. In Blackpool. I loved our Charleston. Just loved it. Having the backing dancers reminded me of my days singing with the girls –I was fearless then and I decided I would be fearless tonight. I would dance this one for me and him. Not to please the judges – can't seem to do right for doing wrong with them sometimes. This was about us. I would not feel guilty for still being in the competition. I deserve to be here.

It was amazing. The crowd were unbelievable. I knew we had an impressive routine – those lifts were crazy (and I don't want to recall how embarrassing some of those positions were when things didn't go to plan in training) but I knew he wouldn't let me fall. He always catches me. I just needed to remember to trust myself as much as I trust him. And flying up into the air at the end of the routine...well, most people don't get to experience that. It was such a rush. And the audience reaction was like electricity.

Then there was an even bigger shock – I actually got some decent comments from the judges. Of course, Craig picked fault with my swivel. Now, I had worked and worked and worked on that because Craig is notoriously fussy about swivel. There was nothing wrong with my swivel, we all knew it, so AJ was silently fuming at that comment. I could feel him bristle, but he's not one to argue back on live TV. The marks were a big improvement on the previous week. I know I always want to make him proud, but tonight I made myself proud.

We were on such a high when we went to film our reaction video backstage, we were screaming and hugging and bouncing and...I so very nearly got swept away. I could have kissed him right there. I think he panicked that I was going to forget about the cameras and he got a bit flustered and made me show my swivel. It was so silly, so dorky and so very me.

My sister cried on national TV, as did Mum. I cried a bit later. At least they were happy tears this week.

Then the results...when they announced Debbie in the dance off – well, there was a huge gasp. She had full marks last week with Craig bowing at her feet. We were one of the last four couples left to find out if we would be in the dance off. In my head I was mentally preparing for it to be our last dance. Then I heard Tess say our names. I threw myself into his arms and he lifted me up. How it was possible to improve on the ecstasy from last week, I don't know, but somehow this moment was pure magic!

I am lost recalling that moment when there is a knock at the door...time to party.

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