Chapter α

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I know there are a lot of stories like this one, but I don't like it when people are ooc and honestly, in most betrayal stories, at least Annabeth is totally out of character. I also have a good reason for their betrayal and I hope that is less ooc than a cheating Annabeth or a new brother, so it's not the typical stereotype story.

Omega POV:

My head hurt. And my throat, too. Damn nightmares. They were getting more vivid and haunting, now that she wasn't with me anymore.
Not that she would care. She would give me a cold stare, turn around and leave without looking back.

I didn't notice the tears until someone wiped them away. I sniffled and looked up. Thunder knelt down next to me. He smiled sadly. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no. " I'm not going to push you, but someday you'll have to talk to someone." Sighing, I shrugged. They've had this conversation before. "I know."

We both winced at how rapsy my voice sounded. "Did anybody hear...?" I didn't need to finish my sentence, Thunder understood. He always did. I didn't want anyone to hear me cry at night. It was embarrassing and gave off the wrong impression. "Just me. The others are on patrol," he answered. "I'm sorry I woke you up." He just smiled, flopping back on my sheets. "Don't be. You were always there for us, we're only repaying the favour."

Tomorrow, Thunder would pretend that nothing of this ever happened, and I was thankful for that. I didn't like people taking care of me.
"Go to sleep Perce."
"D"on't call me that," I grumbled, but lay back down anyway.
"Fine." He sighed. "But Omega, sleep. Please."
"Will you stay?"
"Always," he answered without hesitation.

Thunder POV:

The sight of Omega snoring slightly, while drooling on his pillow was uncharacteristically cute. He used to be so sarcasic, so open hearted and happy. Always there to crack a joke, to lighten up the mood. Most of the time he still was his old joking self, just a bit more serious, but he sometimes held this sad look in his sea green eyes, seemingly a million miles away.

My friends and I were doing a good job in putting the broken pieces back together, but she would always leave a hole in his heart. A hole only she could fill again. It was... hurtful, come to think of it. The Chaos army was his new family, but his heart still belonged to those who betrayed him. I never left his side through all the shit that went down with our old home. Through all the good, and all the bad.

I groaned, brushing my hand through my hair and looking down at the sleeping form in front of me. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Like nothing in the word could bother him, or break him apart piece by piece. His first dreamless sleep in ages. Those dreams were really starting to become a problem. It caused Omega's mind to wander during sparring matches and missions.

I was one of the few poeple he had left, and I wasn't going to let him get hurt because his mind decided to be a bitch. As quiet as possible, I drapped the blankets over Omega and went to the little sofa in the far left corner of the room, right next to the door. In the dark I could see the glowing and swirling planets on the walls. They were a replica of the real universe. They were beautiful. There was a desk and a wardrobe. Weapons laid on wooden tabels along the wall to my right. One sword hung on the opposite wall. It was almost the same as his old sword Riptide, but instead of a trident, there was a rose on its hilt. It's called τριαντάφυλλο. It means 'Rose' in greek. (A/N: I'M JUST GOING TO CALL IT ROSE) Chaos gave it to Omega after he had joined the army. It belonged to Chaos's second in command, but she died a year before we came. The rest of his room was training area.

Dummys stood in the far way corner, a few already destroyed. I sighed again. I did that a lot lately. I had to admit that I was worried about Omega. All he did was train. He pushed himself too hard. The worry was overwhelmimg, but slowly the tiredness took over and it was hard to focus on what I was thinking about. I welcomed the darkness, just so I could take my mind off of Omega. At least for a few hours.

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