Chapter Β

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"No!" She faught against the ropes binding her to the wall. Her wrists were bleeding and her legs wobbled, but her priority was to protect the sleeping boy in front of her. His breathing was ragged and he shivered every now and then. A deep cut was bleeding furiously on his forehead and his back was a bloody mess. Dryed tears stained his cheeks and his fists were clenched. Annabeth wanted to cry. She wanted to cry for her boyfriend and for herself.

"Please, take me, but give him a day off." She didn't like begging, hated it in fact, but this was about her Seaweed Brain. Tartarus raised an eyebrow. "Why should I?" Annabeth took a shaky breath. "H-he won't survive if you keep doing this to him. He is not immortal."
He chuckled. "What makes you think I want to keep him alive?"
Her eyes widened. "You want him to die..." She whispered.

Tartarus grinned. "He is strong and I am keeping him alive for now, but even I can't keep his heart beating if he gives up. When he wants to die, and he will, then I will let him." Annabeth shook her head in denial. She didn't believe it. Percy was strong, he was her Seaweed Brain and he would live, they would survive this.

She bit her lip as doupt let fear rise in her. They would survive this, right? He wouldn't give up, would he? Annabeth looked at the form in front of her. He looked so fragil, so small, curled up and shivering every two seconds. He wasn't supposed to seem small. He was the savoir of Olympus for gods sake. He was a hero. But even a hero can break sometimes.

Tartarus laughed at her fearful face. "Let's wake the little hero, shall we?" Annabeth pulled on her chains again. "No, don't you dare go anywhere near him!" The primordial winked at her mockingly, before stepping on Percy's already broken rips. His eyes shot open, and Annabeth could hear his quiet scream of agony as she closed her eyes, trying to block out the pained look in those sea green eyes she loved so much. A tear run down her face as she heard his stuttered words, his voice full of fear. "N-no, please, l-let me alone. I-I will do anything, just stop this." She could also hear the cruel laugh of the Pit as he began his daily torture, and she could hear the heart wrenching screams and the pained begging from her boyfriend as he had to bear the agony and fear. She finally let a sob escape her lips and cried for the first time in weeks.

Piper POV:

I leaned against the stone wall and sighed.
I was hungry and thirsty and in the desperate need of a shower. Seer didn't necessarily starve me, but I was used to more than two barely satisfying meals a day.

Another thing that bothered me, was that Seer got more and more... I didn't know how to put it, more touchy. Hell, he had tried to kiss me once! I could still feel his disgusting lips on mine. This was the first time I actually whole-heartily hated someone. But I was not just angry, I was also afraid he would try something more the next time. Damn Aphrodite and her inheritable looks.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the cracking of the door. Speaking of the devil. As Seer closed the door again and the lights turned on, I could see his skinny body and black mask.
"What do you want?" I croaked, my throat dry. I scowled. He grinned and stepped closer. "The same thing as every time I come here. Answers. And today, we will finally get them." My eyes narrowed. Seer was characteristically overconfident. He grabbed me by my arm and led me outside the little cell, though led might be too nice of a word, more like dragged.

His other hand went around my waist and I stiffened. I could feel his sweaty hands on my body, roaming beneath my shirt. My heart beat rapidly and we took way too long to reach the familiar cave. At least I could see Arallana, she was the only one worth talking to.
I scowled at the thought of my friend being in a cage. We had grown extremely close after seeing each other every day for hours on end. Surprisingly, we had a lot in common. Aside from the obvious, she was an easy-going person with a knack for surfing. We had spent days just talking about the sea and waves and surf boards.

Seer let go of me and I sighed in relieve as his hand left my hip. He opened the door and pushed me inside, his fingers grazing my breasts. I clenched my teeth, but ignored him as I entered. Beating the little pervert's ass could wait.

"Hey, Lana." She grinned weakly at me and my anger rose as I saw the new wound on her shoulder that still oozed blood. It happened sometimes, I'd be gone for not longer than a few hours and somehow she had received new injuries. "You okay?" She was about to reply, but Seer beat her to it. "Lord Tartarus had more important things to do than visiting her. She's fine." The way he said it made me shiver. Something was defenitifly up. If the others had found us? I'd give anything to see Percy, Annabeth and Luke right now (I've never really had much contact with Clarisse, but she sure as hell would be better company than Seer). "I have a surprise for you, beautiful."

As if on cue, the door opened again and the Pit himself entered. Arallana took a sharp breath and I retreated a few steps, for all the good that would do. He radiated pure power and I could feel the fear inside of me stir.

What I saw next made me cry out. In front of him laid a person, covered in blood. I could barely recognize them, the limps twisted and the whole body covered with cuts, but the sea green eyes were unmistakably: Percy Jackson.

I choked on my words, slowly walking towards him. Tartarus let me and I kneeled in front of my friend. A few tears escaped my eyes as I saw him grimace in pain. His eyes were half-lidded and clouded in pain. He trembled and I carefully reached down and touched his shoulder. He winced and more tears ran down my cheek. Who would be so cruel and do something like that?

The answer stood right in front of me. I stood up and took a few steps toward the primordial.
"You will pay for this," I promised, my eyes blazing in anger. Tartarus just laughed. "I don't think so. Do you, Perseus?" Percy cringed as he heard his name and tried to crawl closer to Piper, but Tartarus grabbed his arm, hard, and twisted it like it was nothing.  I could hear the crack of the bone.

Percy opened his mouth, his eyes lighting up with anguish, but no sound came out, just silent gaping. "Stop!" I cried, running towards Percy and cradling his head in my lap. "It's okay, Perce, I am here. Shh, you're gonna be fine." Tears dripped down his face and onto Percy's skin as I looked at Tartarus, who had stepped back.

"What do you want?" My voice wavered. "If you get her," he nodded at Arallana, "to give me the answers I desire, no further harm will come to the sea spawn." I gulped past the lump in my throat and looked between Arallana, who shook her head ever so slightly, and Percy, who laid passed out in my lap.
I closed my eyes and made my decision.

"Fine, I will do it."
Our captor grinned. "Good girl." I forced my shallow breathing to go back to normal and turned to Arallana. "I am sorry," I whispered, swallowing.

I glanced back at Tartarus and Alex. There had to be a way out of this. If I did this, I might as well start the apocalypse, if I didn't, I condemned a friend to torture. I didn't like either option.

"Today," growled Tartarus. He was becoming impatient. I licked my lips. Stalling was the only thing I could do. But how long and to what end? If Luke, Clarisse and Annabeth had been captured, too, there was no one to save us and my charmspeak wasn't strong enough to affect the primordial being.
"Now," warned Tartarus again, demontrativly glancing down at Percy.
I had no choice.
With closed eyes, I turned to Arallana. I couldn't bear to see the way she looked at me.

"STOP!!!" I spun around and saw blond princess curls storming through the double doors.

A/N: Soo, where is Luke? How did Annabeth get there? What will happen to Percy? Questions after questions... And who will survive the fight at camp half-blood? Read on to learn more...
Commen, vote, etc. 😁

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