Chapter Δ

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He laid limp, letting Tartarus do things to him, to his body. He didn't bother counting the scars anymore, the cuts, the burns. His back hurt like hell, it was the day after the pit had stabbed his mortal point. He was unable to move, every breath hurt and he just wished he was dead. He closed his eyes again as Tartarus run the blade down his arm. A searing pain flared through his body and he screamed. He was just so done with it. "Please just kill me," he whispered, ignoring the feeling of shame. "Not now, Perseus, you didn't fulfill your purpose yet." The boy didn't know what purpose the other being was talking about, but he was about to find out...

Percy POV:

I was in pain. My whole body burned, but that was nothing in comparison what Luke just feel right now.
I watched in shock as Tartarus tortured Luke. He had taken my torture to make things good again and maybe it was my fear of Tartarus that made me forgive Luke. He had saved me from him and that was more than anybody had ever done for me. Maybe we weren't so different after all.

After what seemed like hours, Tartarus stopped and the ball of dark energy flew back in is palm. It swirled a bit, reflecting the light and then vanished. Luke laid limp, sobbing silently. "Bring him back to his cell," instructed Tartarus, adressing the boy who had brought Luke here. He radiated raw power.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered. He turned to me, his blue eyes staring into mine. "I am Alex, Arallana's half-brother." My eyes widened and my heart stumbled once. If he was here, could that mean Arallana was here too?

After Luke and Alex had left the cell, Tartarus turned back to me. I pressed my back against the wall, my breaths coming out in shallow puffs. "So, Perseus. Shall we continue?" I glared at him, a mixture of fear and anger coiling in my stomach. He chuckled. "No talking?"

He took another step towards me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "What do you want?" He laughed. "You didn't figure it out, did you?"
"F-figured out what?" He grinned. "Your purpose." I shook my head shakely.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You really are stupid, aren't you?" He sighed, as if talking to me hurt. "Since you aren't going to leave this place ever again, I guess I can tell you. You should have realised by now that the monsters are stronger than they should be. The reason for that is you. Your pain gives them strength. As long as you feel pain, they will grow stronger and believe me, you will be in unimaginable pain soon enough." He smirked at my horrified expression. "Yes, sea spawn, your fatal flaw is loyalty, but you are the reason all your friends will die." I shook my head in denial.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening."
He laughed. "We got a bit off track, didn't we. Let's have some fun and collect sime more pain. You have to look ready for what I have planned."
My eyes grew wide in horror and I tried to crawl backwards, but there was nowhere for me to go. I tried to hold back the stupid tears, but my fear was overwhelming.
"L-leave me alone." Tartarus mock-sighed. "I really hate your little voice." He snapped his fingers and a rope suddenly laid around my neck, lifting me higher, until my feet dangled in the air. I gasped and struggled to get any oxygen. The tears finally started to flow and Tartarus tightened the rope. My lungs burned and blacks spots danced in my vision. Just as I was about to lose consciousness, the rope vanished and I fell to the ground, my head hitting the wall in the process.

I took shaky breaths and looked at Tartarus in fear. He grinned a sadistic smile and stepped closer. For every step he took, my heart beat faster, so fast it almost beat out of my chest.

I opened my mouth to say something, but no sound came out, just a gurgling rattle. "What did you say?" Tartarus mocked, bending down slightly. I grittened my teeth. "I s-said," I whispered, wincing at the raspy sound that came out of my mouth. I took a shaky breath and finished the sentence. "f-fuck you." I almost laughed at his flabbergasted face, but the fist that collided with my cheek stopped me short. I shakely touched the forming bruise. "Wrong thing to say," he growled. I closed my eyes and tried to keep myself from screaming as all I felt for the next hour was pain.

Luke POV:

Alex led, more like dragged, me back to my cell. I was tired, barely clinging to consciousness.
He was about to open the door to my cell, but hesitated. He tightened his grip on my arm and looked around, his other hand reaching for his sword. My heartbeat quickened and I tensed. What was happening?
Suddenly a knife flew toward Alex and he let go of me to reflect the flying object. I stumbled backwards and felt a hand on my shoulder, keeping me upright. I tried to punch the person but they ducked and caught my fist. "Luke, stop!" I blinked and looked in the gray eyes of Annabeth.

"S-sorry," I muttered, swaying slightly. She pulled me aside and gave me Ambrosia and my two swords. I sighed in relieve as my head cleared and I was able to stand steadily on my feet. "Where did you find them?"
"Armory," she replied.
"Thanks." She nodded and joined Clarisse, who was fighting off Alex. I closed my eyes for a second and waited until my rip had popped back in place. It hurt, but it was bearable. I stood up and gripped Backbiter and Rose. Time for payback.

A/N: Soo, I guess you can tell that this story is coming to an end. I don't really know how to end this, but I will try my best. Tell me what you think.
Comment, vote, etc. 😊

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