Chapter Ε

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"N-no. Please stop." The voice was barely above a whisper, trembling in pain. The terror was too much, his strength not enough. His throat was dry from dehydration and bloody from his screams.

The torturer of the green eyed boy slowly twisted the blade deep impaled in the boys shoulder. He closed his eyes shut and wimphered, banging his head against the crimson stained wall, trying to block out the sickening pain. It felt like his flesh was being torn from him piece by piece. "P-please. W-what do you w-want?" Tartarus laughed cruelly and pushed the dagger further into his prisoner's shoulder, reaching the bone. The boy cried out, a short, raspy and tearful scream.

"I don't want anything from you." Tartarus' voice was quiet, a whisper, sending shivers down Percy's body. "Did I want information from you? No. Did I ask you to join me? No. I am doing this because I haven't had this much fun since 1278. I love your screams, sea scum. I love hearing you beg."

He jerked the blade through the bone, but blocked the son of Poseidon from the pain with a little magic. The demigod looked confused, but kept quiet. "I can do to you whatever I want. I told you, Perseus. I will break you, until you are nothing than a scarred shell."
He undid the spell and the pain came back all at once. Percy's eyes shot wide open and he screamed in pain.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he screamed in agony, his shoulder feeling fried to the bone. The pain pulsed from his shoulder through his whole body. He clenched his fists and arched his back, another scream escaping his lips and his eyes darkened, a veil of pain clouding his sea green eyes that once sparkled with sarcasm and happiness. The immortal being grinned in satisfaction. The first piece of Percy had shattered and Tartarus was going to break it all.

Piper POV:

Ok, I was so confused. First, I am held hostage, found the lost princess, we became friends, then Tartarus brings my tortured friend to me and after that, a crazy daughter of Athena comes rushing in, yelling at me not to end the world.

"Yeah, that's me. Where is Per-" She choked on her words as she saw the bloody figure of her boyfriend. "W-what happened?"
"Erm, Annabeth, I don't think this is the right time..." She looked around and noticed the primordial and Seer. She blushed, raising her sword and a dagger. "Annabeth, is that Katoptris?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah." She tossed the dagger at me and, after making sure Percy wasn't dying, I joined one of my best friend to fight a powerful primordial. Just a typical afternoon, huh?

Annabeth was obviously afraid, she trembled slightly and I couldn't blame her, after all, she had been tortured by Tartarus as well. I leaned over to her and whispered, "Where are Clarisse and Luke?"

She smirked. "Just wait. Athena always has a plan." I shrugged and turned back to my enemies, just to see Tartarus vanish in a cloud of darkness, Seer following close behind.

I looked at Annabeth in confusion, but she looked as clueless as me. Annabeth clueless, didn't think I would see that day. "W-what just..." She just shook her head. "I have no idea."

Someone cleared their throat and I spun around, my dagger at the person's throat. "You look aweful, Luke," I criticized, lowering my weapon. He winced and licked his lips. "Don't wanna talk 'bout it." I raised my eyebrow, but shrugged. "Fine, whatever. Where's Clarisse?"
"Right here."

Clarisse stood next to Annabeth, a nasty cut on her cheek. Luke suddenly looked alarmed. "Percy!" Annabeth's eyes widened and she ran to her boyfriend's side, us following close behind. She cradled his head in her lap and force-fed him Ambrosia and dripped Nectar on his wounds. After some terrifying seconds, Percy groaned and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, Wise Girl." Annabeth smiled teary. "What did I say about getting kidnapped?"
"Not to do it?"
Someone sighed. "You do realise that I am still here, right?"
I face-palmed and turned to Arallana, who was looking slightly pissed-off.

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