Chapter β

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Omega POV:

"Sir, Lord Chaos requests yours and the other warriors' presence for a metting." Tobi, a little boy no older than 10 was nervously fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He was the youngest of the army and everybody adored him. His dirty blond hair was falling over his eyes, and his big glasses kept slipping down his nose as he hastly bowed and ran back to table four. I smiled slightly. He was so cute. It was sad that he had died at a young age, but he seemed happy to be here.
"Come on guys. Let's see the B.B," I shouted and stood up, my soldiers following. Alpha frowned. "Who the Hades is the B.B?"

Alpha was a... touchy subject, to but it mildly. I didn't know what to think about him. He was the leader of the Omega sector before I came, but he didn't seem to mind that I was taking over his position. He even seemed releaved that he wasn't the commander anymore. When we met for the first time on this planet, I was... conflicted, to say the least. Revealing my identity had but me in a catch-22 situation. If we wanted to function as a team, we had to trust each other, but trust was something that had to be earned and Alpha had done the exact opposite before. After the whole shit-show that went down a few years back, trusting Alpha seemed impossible. But it's not like I had much of a choice anyway. Alpha had been more than surprised to see me here, away from Camp. He was wary around me, as if walking on eggshells. Another problem with Alpha was that, even though I didn't understand why, I kinda blamed myself for his death. It didn't make sense, we had been enemies for so long, fighting each other, and I hadn't even delivered the killing blow, but I still felt responsible. He'd said he was sorry, but sometimes sorry was far from enough. "To answer your question Alpha, Chaos is, of coures, the B.B. The Big Boss." The team burst into laughter, trying to compose themselves in front of the other sectors. Chaos may be the creator and ruler of the univers, but he hated all formalities. He hated bowing, he hated to be called Lord or Sir. He was an easy going person, or primordial god, whatever you wanted to call him, he was the complete opposide of the gods. Funny, friendly and he always tried to keep us out of trouble. Well, as much as he can, considering we're his army and fight wars all over the galaxy.

When we reached the throne room, I could tell that something was off. First of all, in front of Lord Chaos's throne stood my dear old cousin, Thalia Grace. Her spiky black hair was longer than usual, almost touching her shoulders now, and her electric blue eyes, which were so much like her brother's, hardware lacking the usual mirth. Her tiara glimmed in the light as she turned around to face us. Thalia was part of the worriors, too, but she only stayed for a few weeks, then she had to go with the huntresses again. She visited sometimes, but it was rare.
I smiled widely as I embraced her in a big hug. "Hey, Pinecon Face." With a slap to the back of my head she replied, "Long time no see, Kelp Head." I chuckled and watched as she went to say hello to her brother and friends. I had the suspicion that Jason was a little jealous that I was always the first one she welcomed, but our bond was stronger than theirs. So yeah, I was more like a brother to her then Thunder ever had been, but that really wasn't anyone's fault.

Thalia had decided her codename to be Diana, like the Roman form of her Lady Artemis, one of the few gods I still respected (Well, had ever respected. I mean seriously, Zeus is a Drama Queen, how is anyone supposed to respect him?!)

We had revealed our identities to the godess the first time she had shown up, and she had given Con and Arrow the choice to join the hunt again, but they'd declined, not wanting to leave the army. The second thing that convinced me that something was wrong, was the god standing next to Chaos. He was the only god, except for Artemis, who knew our identities (not that we had anything to do with the gods anyway). Zeus, the Drama Queen himself (speak of the devil, right?) I rememberd the first time he'd shown his face on Soahc, Chaos' planet (I had tried to convince Chaos to change that name, but no luck).

I had been summoned to Chaos' office, wondering what this meeting was about. Maybe a new mission or something.
The second I entered the room, I had the desiring wish to turn back around (maybe flip my finger at the visitor) and go back to my room. Why couldn't the gods just leave me the hell alone? It's not like I didn't miss my dad, but in front of me stood my uncle Zeus, the king of dra- uhh, I mean the king of the gods. My hood had been pulled down, because we usually don't need it inside the castle, but now I really wished I had something covering my face. "Perseus." He said matter-of-factly, not surprised at all to see me.
"Yeah, that's me," I replied coldly.
"Still no respect," muttered the god, annoyance flashing in his eyes, "no wonder no one wanted you to stay on earth." My hands clenched in anger at the vicious words. Damn Us is and his knowledge which buttons to press.
Before I could do something I would regret later, Chaos spoke up, "Omega, calm yourself, Zeus was just about to leave, weren't you?" A clear warning was flashing in his voice. "Of course," answered Zeus. I smirked slightly at his scared tone. I closed my eyes against the bright light, as he flashed out. "So?" I turned back to Chaos. "Where were we?"

I turned back to what Chaos was saying.
"I am sure you are wondering why Miss Grace and Zeus are here."
Thalia glared slightly at the use of her name. Chaos continued, ignoring the daughter of Zeus, "There is another war coming. I know this is nothing new, but this war has priority over the others for now, for it could affect more planets than just earth. Someone is rising, we are not sure who it is yet, but they are powerful. The people of that planet will need your help, so I am going to send the Omega sector to earth. All of you," he said, looking directly at me.

Thalia/Diana POV:

I watched Percy carefully. It was obvious that we had to go to Camp Half-blood for this mission and Percy was unpredictable when it came to his former home. He had tried to leave earth behind him and was now forced to return. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. I walked up to Omega and wrapped him in a hug. After a few seconds of silent comfort, he gently pushed me away and turned toward Chaos.

"Who is rising?" His voice was steady, but his shaking hands betrayed his anger. It was no surprise Percy hadn't argued, he wouldn't let earth suffer for the mistakes of a few, but he was obviously not happy about going back.
Chaos sighed deeply. Oh great, whatever was coming now would probably just make everything worse.
There was no warning, no sugar-coating, just the plain truth.

My eyes were glued to Omega. This was really not his day. My own heart had stumbled for a second there, but for Percy, it was much worse. Tartarus was an even tougher subject than Annabeth. Even Zeus didn't say anything as Omega's knees buckled and he crashed to the ground, the sound of his ragged breathing ringing in my ears. A panic attack; he was having a FREAKING panic attack. That hadn't happened in years.

"I will bring him to his room," broke Tunder the silence. He shakely picked up his commander, who protested weakly, and disappeared through the doors.
I watches as they left. My eyes turned to my father as he spoke up again, "That is not all. There has been a prophecy."

The prophecy is spoken,
One is already broken.
Alone no chance he stands,
His family to defend.

The former traitor a hero he safes,
Torture together they will have to face.
All hope is lost with missing trust,
Protect each other for dear life they must.

Two souls separated in endless pain,
Their love is stronger than the villain's reign.
Together they shall stand and fight,
Thunder sister to decide.

Sooo. What do you think about my prophecy? Please comment.

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