Chapter ξ

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"Leave her alone!" He screamed, his eyes blazing with anger. How dare they touch his Wise Girl?! "You can't give us orders, sea spawn. We do whatever we want." The guy's hand was extremely close to Annabeth's breasts. She was shaking from anger, but her hands were still bond, so she couldn't do anything against it.

Percy grinned mockingly, barely concealing his fury. "You are right, I can't, but Tartarus can and we made a deal that no one would touch her and I am sure you wouldn't want to anger him." The two monsters visibly paled and the one pulled his hand back. From outside the cell, someone shouted for the two guards to come out. They grumbled and left the cell.

The boy slumped against the wall, his strength he felt as he had defended his girlfriend was gone, replaced with pure exhaustion. "I am so sorry you have to go through this." His voice was full of love for the girl across from him. She smiled sweetly. "As long as you are with me, I can bear anything." He smiled back at her and closed his eyes.

He was about to fall asleep when the door opened again. The son of Poseidon opened his eyes... wished he hadn't. He couldn't get a day off, could he? Tartarus would come once a day to have some fun, sometimes even more.

Annabeth knew exactly what was going to happen. She watched as her Seaweed Brain tried to stand up, but fell back to the floor. Tartarus chucked at his attempt to lift himself off the ground. "Oh Perseus, I have a surprise for you." He literally beamed with anticipation. Cold fear settled down in her bones. What was he going to do to her boyfriend?

"A lot of monsters asked to visit you, so I had a great idea." He took a chain and bond it around Percy's neck, then he unsheckled his wrists and ankles and led him out of the cell, Percy stumbling and unable to catch up. He turned to a monster guarding the door. "Take the girl with you. She has to see this."

Percy tried to reason with him, but that resulted in Percy leaving with a black eye and bloody lip. They were led into a huge arena, the ranks filled with monsters and even some Titans. The guard stopped her near the entrance. Tartarus dragged Percy to the middle, where a big cross stood, and the monsters roared. Tartarus shoved Percy aside and he landed with a thump. He groaned and tried to stand up again, but the pit put his boot on his head to keep him in place.

Hot anger ran through Annabeth as she watched Tartarus humiliate her boyfriend. He laughed and the monsters laughed with him. "Look who can't even stand up by himself. The saviour of Olympus: Perseus Jackson!" The monsters roared again, and Percy gritted his teeth. "If you wouldn't put your smelling foot on my head, I would stand up, but you are too fat, so I have no other choice than to relax on the comfortable ground." Sarcasm dripped from his words and Annabeth grinned. Same old Seaweed Brain.

Tartarus didn't seem to like his words, and he kicked his head with a snarl. Percy groaned and clutched his head. "Let's see if you are as strong as you say. Stand up." Tartarus grinned wickedly. Percy stood on wobbling feet, but he was standing. With a wink of Tartarus's hand, he was flung against the cross. Percy grunted and gasped for air. Tartarus walked toward him and showed him something in his hand. From where I stood, I couldn't see what it was, but Percy's eyes widened and he tried to fight against the invincible force holding him to the cross. The monsters laughed at the obvious fear in his eyes and Annabeth finally realised what Tartarus was holding. Nails.

"No, no!" She wanted to run to Percy and help him, but the guard was holding her back. Tartarus wouldn't... She closed her eyes as Tartarus pushed the first nail deep into Percy's hand. He bit his lip hard, but as the nail dig deeper he couldn't stop a scream from tearing from his throat. The monsters roared in delight as tears ran down Percy's face.

"S-stop." Annabeth knew he was ashamed of himself and she hated him for it. It was no shame to beg when you were in pain. Tartarus laughed and took the next nail. Percy shook his head rapidly. "P-please stop."

Tartarus grinned and pushed the torture device into his other hand. Percy screamed again, a heart wrenching scream. Tartarus repeated the process on his feet. Percy had fallen unconscious by now and wimphered every time he moved. Blood ran down his arms and feet and as Tartarus loosened his invisible grip on him, another scream tore through his lips, his weight only held by the nails deep impaled into his limbs. Hot tears were falling down his face, and Annabeth cried with him, feeling the pain of her lover.

Jason POV:

Training. I liked training, but my thoughts were somewhere else. Why did Tartarus show us the video? Was it even the Pit who had given it to us? I sighed as I slashed at another dummy. I stopped as the air in front of me shimmered and an iris massage appeared.

"Annabeth? Is everything okay?" Stay cool, don't let her realise something's going on. "Where is Percy and where the hell are you? Oh, and who is that?" I had noticed a strange girl sitting next to them.

She laughed slightly. "I called because I need your help. Percy is sleeping, we are in Calico, a ghost town and the girl is Fenja, a friend of our lost princess."
Sleeping!? Fuck!
"Did you call because Percy is having nightmares again?" Her eyes watered and she looked behind her And my own breath hitched. No, no, no, not again! "I didn't tell the others yet, but I just don't know what to do." She sounded so desperate, so vulnerable.

"Use water. That should heal." Annabeth shook her head. "I already tried. Nothing is working." Tears glistened in her eyes. I ran a hand through my hair. This was bad, real bad. Screams from outside my room cought my attention. "I have to go, but Annabeth, you are the smartest person I know. If someone can help Percy, it is you." She smiled thankfully and cut the connection.

I ran out of the arena, sword in hand, and followed the others that were running towards the Camp entrance. I met Reyna on the way out, but I couldn't see Piper anywhere. "Where is Piper?"
"I thought she was with you." We locked eyes and ran faster, worry in our guts. Where the hell was Piper? The crowd was thickening and Reyna and I made our ways to the front.

There stood a man with an obsidian mask. He was tall and skinny, his clothes all black, like a movie assasin or something and a dagger hung from his belt. Another dagger was at the throat of a girl standing in front of him. She had a pink and green hoody and the most beautiful eyes. Piper! That guy was threatening Piper! I clenched my fists.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Anger radiated off of me, but the guy just laughed. "I am Seer, and I just want this little girl over here. That's all." I couldn't see his face underneath the mask, but I was sure he was grinning. "Well, you can't have her."
He raised a delicate eyebrow. "I already have." He snapped his fingers and disappeared with a pop, taking Piper with him.

I blinked.
I blinked again.
Piper had been kidnapped...
Piper had just been KIDNAPPED!
What. The. Actual. Fuck?!
She had been there only a second ago, and then boom, she was gone. Right in front of my eyes. "I am going to get you back. Whoever this Seer is, he will pay, I promise." but I knew she couldn't hear me, she was gone.

A/N: Soo, who do you think is Seer. He is one of Rick's characters. Comment, vote, etc. Bye🤓

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