Chapter ρ

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Fear. Coldness. Angst. Pain.
Shivering. Spluttering. Caughting. Drowning.
Words to describe a hero?
Words to describe a savoir?
Words to describe a demigod?
Words to describe a son of Poseidon?
Words to describe Percy Jackson?

Fear. Coldness. Angst. Pain.
Helpless. Without a plan. Hopeless.
Words to describe a heroine?
Words to describe a savoir?
Words to describe a demigod?
Words to describe a daughter of Athena?
Words to describe Annabeth Chase?

Fear. Coldness. Angst. Pain.
Love. Warmth. Soulmates. Hope.
Words to describe a couple?
Words to describe a team?
Words to describe two lovers?
Words to describe two rivals?
Words to describe Percabeth?

Piper POV:

I groaned and opened my eyes.
Why was everything so dark? And why hurt my head so much? Damn.
I tried to stand up, but something around my wrists hold me back. Probably chains, but I couldn't see through the darkness.

Suddenly, without a sound, the doors opened and light flooded the room. I realised with a start I was in a cell. I shielded my eyes and blinked, trying to identify the person who had entered. The door closed again and a lamp flickered to life, filling the room with soft light.

The man who had kidnapped her stood in front of her, his obsidian mask not allowing him to show any emotions. "Why am I here?"
"We need you to do something for us." I shifted uncomfortably under the almost hungry gaze. The man looked me up and down, but I couldn't see anything behind the mask.

"You are truly beautiful, Piper McLean. The puny Jupiter span doesn't deserve you." I shuddered. I always had to deal with flirting boys (though flirting villains was something new), but I was able to defend myself. And I had Jason, even though he never really had to help me, 'cause the boys gave up rather quickly after I asked nicely (I have nothing to do with dreamy expressions and blank gazes, I swear), but this was different.

I was unable to defend myself and Seer was a new level of pervert, especially since he knew about my charmspeak and everything. "Why on earth would I help you? You kidnapped me and insulted my boyfriend, and I don't even know what I am supposed to do. Would be smart to tell me that, y'know."
He growled under his mask. "We have our ways of convincing, so I don't think that will be a problem. We want you to get someone to tell us something."
I frowned. "If you have so great convincing methods, why do you need me?"
"She is very resistent against our methods and we really need those information, so my master wants you to charmspeak her into telling us." I closed my eyes. What have I gotten myself into this time? "Who is 'her'?"
"You will see that soon enough, for now, enjoy your stay. We will see each other tomorrow, beautiful." He closed the door, and I was left in darkness.

I woke up to light flooding my room again. I yawned and streched my arms. Seer stood in front of me, arms crossed. "We need you now."
I shook my head. "F**k you. I am not going to help you." He stepped forward and his fist connected with my chin. I gapsed and reeled back, touching the forming bruise. "You will do as I say. We don't want to scar that beautiful face of yours."
He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I pulled my head back and spit in his face. "Don't touch me!"
He growled and grabbed my hair forcefully. "When my master doesn't need you anymore, we will have lots of fun together, so be careful with your words. I can make your life a living hell, or I can make you a princess, but you are mine and I won't tolerate disobedience. Are we clear?"
I nodded, growling quietly, and he let go of my hair. I sighed. As if I would do anything he says, who does he think he is?

"Now come, dear, you have got a lot to do today." He unbound me and led me out of my cell. We went through a long floor with pictures of dead heroes. I was suprised to see the ones who'd died in the second Titan war and the second Giant war. Those like Selina, Beckendorf and Luke. The scenes were gruesome. The pain on Luke's face, the silent scream from Beckendorf, the tears in Silena's eyes.

"Do you like the pictures, dear?"
"Don't call me that," I spat. He chuckled and grabbed my arm, way too close to my breasts. "We are almost there." I jerked my arm away from him and stepped to the right, avoiding touching him. Seer opened a door and pushed me through. I looked at my surrounings. The walls were made of stone and the only thing standing inside was a silver cage.

"You will ask her how to wake Télos. Once you get your answer, I will let you leave." Without waiting for my response, he stomped out and slammed the door shut. I turned back to the cage and walked towards it.

On chains inside the cage hung a beautiful girl. She could have been a daughter of Aphrodite. "They want you to convince me to give them answers, am I right?" She sounded tired, but I instantly knew not to underestimate her. "Yes. I'm supposed to ask you how to wake Télos. Who is that?"
She grimaced. "The less you know the better. You can't use your carmspeak on me, Piper McLean. I doubt it would work anyway, and if it did, you would help destroy the world."
I narrowed my eyes at her. "How do you know my name?"
"I know a lot. I know that the sister of your lover is in danger, I know that Percy Jackson and a few of his friends are searching for me and I know that the Stoll brothers are currently being killed by Rachel Elizabeth Dare."

I raised my eyebrow at that. What did those two idiots do this time? She continued. "I know that Perseus is in danger, as am I. I also know that your charmspeak is stronger than you want others to know." My frown deepened. The girl was right. I could command almost everything and everyone as of now.

"Who are you?" She mock bowed, or at least I think she tried, considering she was chained to the ceiling of a cage, I couldn't really tell. "I am Universe, princess of all plantes, but you can call me Arallana."

My eyes widened. Great, I had found the lost princess and if Percy and his team didn't find us soon, we would be in deep trouble, 'cause I honstely don't know how long I can resist Seer and his master and I am sure they would do anything to get their answers.


A/N: Soo, what do you think? Will Seer do more than just brushing her hair? I like Piper and I think she is stronger than most people think, after all she can tell people what to do, and they just do it, without thinking. I think charmspeak is one of the most powerful weapons.  Comment, vote, etc. Bye :)

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