Chapter Ζ

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"W-why me? I-I don't understand." The pit let a cruel laugh ring through the dark cold cell where his prisoner was lying on the rough ground, a pool of blood surrounding him and his body shaking in pain. "Why you? I don't know. Fun, revenge, boredom? You are powerful, Perseus Jackson and you need to be out of the way. I have to admit that I also need you for something else, but you don't need to know for what, not now, anyway."

He smirked evilly and crouched down next to the demigod. "I really thought you would be stronger. You are with me for one day now and you blacked out seven times already. Pathetic."
The boy closed his eyes. "I am not weak." His voice was barely a whisper, but it was firm and radiated hatred, hatred for the one who tortured him nonstop in this last 24 hours. Tartarus raised his eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter if you are weak or not, I am going to break you, mentally and physically. When I am finished with you, there won't be a Perseus Jackson anymore, just the body of a soulless little boy who tried to safe the world, but wasn't even able to save himself."

Percy shook his head weakly. "You will never break me."
"We will see about that, won't we?" Tartarus gripped Percy's hair and smashed his head against the crimson stained ground. The boy gapsed and blinked slowly, feeling drowsy, the pain subsiding to a dull throbbing in the back of his head. The Pit leaned forward and whispered, "You will break like every other hero, because heroes are the ones that lose the most." He let go of his hair and left as Percy slowly lost consciousness.

Percy POV:

The first thing I noticed was the darkness. Well, duh, I have my eyes closed, I thought, trying to fully wake up. I felt dizzy, but there was no pain. That is weird. Shouldn't I be half dead or something?

I opened my eyes and slowly looked around. Annabeth, Luke, Clarisse, Fenja, Arallana and Piper stood in a circle, not noticing me. I frowned. What the hell was Piper even doing here? And where was I? And how did they all get here? Where was here again?

I sat up and my frown deeped. Still no pain, just a dull throbbing in my head. I groaned. What had happened? The others spun around and Annabeth enfulged me in a bone-crushing hug. "You're awake!" I nodded. "I guess I am. Where are we? What happened? Why don't I feel any pain? What is Piper doing here?"

Annabeth grasped my hand. "We are in a cave behind a waterfall, yes, I know it's cliché, don't comment on it. We came to rescue you-" I shuddered and Annabeth squeezed my hand tighter, "and Piper had been kidnapped, too and Jason kinda forgot to tell you, please kill him later and let me continue. We need to go to Camp, because there is an attack coming and we kinda pushed you off the cliff and into the waterfall."

She smiled innocently and I blinked. "You did what now?" She shrugged. "Well, since Polybotes is attacking Camp, too, he had to concentrate on that and wasn't keeping your powers from healing you. Once we've noticed that, we thought that we needed you fully healed, so we threw you down. You came floating back up half an hour later. No idea how you did that while you were unconscious, but it doesn't matter now, we need to go."

I nodded, my head spinning from all the new information. "How do we get to Camp?"
"I could open a portal," offered Lana, stepping forward. "I heal very quickly and the few hours of sleep were enough. I'm almost back to full strength."
"Me, too," added Fenja, stepping next to her sister. "I can help." Annabeth nodded and helped Percy stand up. "Good, then let's go."

Hazel POV:

I was worried. Sure, the battle plan was great and all and we hadn't lost many demigods yet, but something felt off. It was like the monsters were holding back or something.

And another thing that worried me, was that none of the enemy-leaders had arrived yet. Not of the commanders and Tartarus himself hasn't shown up either.
Annabeth had I-Med me and told me everything about the rescue, Fenja, Alex, Seer and Arallana.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sword slicing my arm. I hissed in pain and thrust my own sword out, successfully killing the monster. "No day dreaming during battles, Haze," scolded a flying son of Jupiter.
I grinned. "Sorry, Jason." He rolled his eyes and slashed at a hellhound, successfully turning it to monster dust. He looked angry.
"Don't worry," I tried to reassure him, "Annabeth will find her. I'm sure of it."
"I know. Piper is strong."

That's when I felt it, the darkness and the power. I could hear a loud explosion and a bright light rose from the ground and I shielded my eyes. As the light died down, I looked at the four beings in the big crater they had created. I gulped. What had I been thinking about missing enemy leaders again?

"The war has begun," muttered Jason, staring at the powerful beings in front of him. Tartarus had arrived and with him Polybotes, Alex and Seer.
"Where are Percy and the others?" Asked Jason, slightly panicked. "I don't know," I replied, tightening the grip on my sword.
I was panicking, too. Were Percy and co. hurt? They couldn't be dead, that's just impossible.

Half an hour, half an hour since Tartarus had arrived and he was killing demigods merciless. I was starting to give up hope. We were slowly retreating, trying to stay alive. Jason was in a fight with Seer, looking angry as hell. As soon as his eyes had found the black mask, there was no stopping him.

I wanted to help him, but I was fighting off monsters left and right, so I had no chance to get to him. I turned my attention back to the monster that was currently trying to kill me. An Empusa. I ducked under a swing of her talons and slashed with my sword at her head, but she sidestepped to reveal another Empusa behind her, who lunged forward and aimed its dagger at my eyes. I blocked the blow and kicked the monster in the chin, sending it to the floor. Then I did a half turn and cut the first Empusa in two pieces. Gross.

An arrow came flying at my head and I quickly ducked and stumbled to the right, hitting someone's shoulder in the process. "Sorry," I breathed, trying to catch my breath. Jason didn't reply. He was still fighting vicious against Seer.

I had just enough time to see that Seer cut Jason's leg and he fell to one knee, gasping in shock. Seer raised his sword to kill him, but I jumped between them and blocked the blow.

Metal pushed against metal and my knees buckled under my opponent's strong arms. I sank to my knees next to Jason, still blocking Seer's sword. I bet he was smirking at us, but I couldn't tell.

I was about lower my shaking arms when a wave of water crashed into Seer and he was pushed forcefully away from us. "No one hurts my family," growled a very angry son of Poseidon. Behind him stood Annabeth, Luke, Clarisse, Piper and two other girls- Fenja and Arallana. I grinned. Maybe we did have a chance to win, after all.
A/N: I am so sorry. I know I haven't updated in ages!

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